well i was going to explain a little about my last few weekends, basically they have been consisting of drinkin my life away, dying my hair, drunk dialing my exs, and crying until i feel asleep. im not even unhappy, shit s great, what is it with having to be unhappy about nothing with me? does anyone else do these things? acting out like a child because things are soooo fuckin amazing right now i dont know what to do with myself. Its like i want to be cursed with a horrid life so i can have something to cry about, (fuck no im not emo)! I just wish that i could be free like a bird and run away, go back home or out of the country by myself, just be free to do whatever whenever no matter how fuckin nuts it is and say fuck the world. but yeah this is "the real world" and ive basically done all i can to act out for now. ill stop this ranting and raving im just hyped up on coffee and a little upset at a friend i like to call dead guy...................................
the second pic is on a better note(my love Shawn)............................Luv Bree