I am leaving today to go on tour with my boyfriends band cherem, and I am excited! woo hoo. I generally get stuck at home watching our beautiful dogs, but this time I found a sitter and I am fucking going! haha. Oh jesus I sound like I have spent my life in a cage or something...haha. I start school in two weeks, and I am surprisingly excited about it, I only have two semesters left until I graduate, and that probably has a lot to do with it, then I will go on to be the hottest high school teacher that has ever taught. I hated school, and I want to somehow teach kids to at least appreciate the knowledge that can be found in writing, and I figure that since I still act like I am in high school, I can kind of relate to them...haha. I think public school is a fucking joke, so I just want to have kids read literature that will take them out of their box, temporarily at least. But anyways, two more semesters left...haha.
Have a blast teaching.
Just have a blast.