I wanted to take this time to thank alot of you from this site though. you guys have been so supportive through this intense bout of depression and id be completely lost without you guys reaching out to me and showing me im loved. weather its via texting Facebook letters or messaging me i received the love and it has really meant alot to me this past few days especially.
ok im done being mushy heres some funnies?
been having to move up a bit on the responsibility scale lately. my Closest friends sister had a baby and i guess the birth freaked her out ive been playing permanent babysitter until they can get there home ready for a child. her mothers going to be hospitalized so i figure they need me why not heres some pics. shes so beautiful and looks just like her mother
there are currently five children in my apartment my mom left and im not sure where she is at the moment so im also watching the children at her house. its alot of responsibility but i think im doing a decent job. i always wanted a big family and tons of babies so heres my practice i guess.
Bright side to depression??? Ive lost 25lbs from it. Im fully aware of the fact that its probably not in a healthy way but im happy about it non-the-less
Ive decided im going to marry this woman!!! Sorry fellas im taking
I got to spend a little time with the woman of my dreams she was my first love and im happy we can still be friends now
I wanted to say thank you for my lovely new plugs! I love them so much
and lastly heres some pics i took in order to keep myself busy while everyone was at school. It was way to dark and quite here
songs that made me smile while blogging this!
ok im done for now once againg thank you guys for being in my life i fucking love SG
Get Well Wishlist
Your life is so full of "stuff" don't know how you manage - five kids - just as well you like them!
Hugs as always lovely lady