Wow, I havent posted in forever. Ok, I'll try to be better. I really do love this website. Ok, lots of shit going on. Got a new job as a Mental Health Technician. I dig it. Going to graduate college soon and work on some research before applying to grad school. We shall see. Other than that, I am a happy guy. Broke as a...
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Hello smile So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!
Ok, holy shit it's been two months. I really am beginning to suck at this.

I'm gonna have to make this short and sweet but whatever, i doubt anyone is reading it anyhow. I saw Flogging Molly last night at Next Big Thing..it was fucking awesome. Super short there set was only 45 minutes but it was awesome. I love those guys. Got pretty banged...
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So I had my Uncle's funeral yesterday. It was fairly calm and nice except for when my mom said Fuck during her speech. She is so awesome. lol.. But anyhow, the pamphlet that they handed pretty much sums up my uncle, he was a great guy and was always good to us. I will miss him

"Life is not a journey to the grave with...
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So I'm now thirty years old..what the fuck is going on. Where does the time go? It just sounds jacked up. How old are you? 30...I don't even like saying it..but oh well..it is what it is..

With all that in mind, the party was awesome..Kid here got to drive the horse drawn buggy through downtown st. pete. Good times!! No pics though..sorry..There was a...
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Ok so holy shit this has been a fucked up couple of weeks...a mad emotional roller coaster.

First, I went to a two day school to train myself and my horse for the Super Bowl. So, this bad ass bombproof rodeo horse has a huge attitude problem and no fear. After about three hours, he decides he is not working anymore and litterally runs all...
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Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set! kiss

Ok, so yadda yadda yadda I'm supposed to be working but instead I'm here..updating my shoddy profile.

So life has been super hectic. Working my ass off which I don't mind because I love my job. I'm training a new horse and I feel off that bastard twice already. Which is ok because he is a badass and we are going to crack some skulls...
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HAHA Love it
Oh lord that was vodka...Like I can drink mixed drinks (rasberry vodka and pacific cooler capri suns is as good as sex lol) so I was drinking that til we started playing a drinking game....god that was rough on the throat. Im not much of a drinker
Ok, so I haven't posted in forever..Don't kill me please. Hope you didn't miss me too much.. Ha!

Anyhow, all has been well with me. Work has been insane. People getting hurt, shooting people, just craziness. So I'm going to take this post to talk to you all about something very near and dear to my heart and that is your mental stability.

Times are...
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Thanks for the invite but as I sadly learned today I litterally cant get in anywhere since I'm not yet 21. I had to miss out on a friends show because of it tonight and Im super bummed about it

So holy shit..It's been well over a month and a half since I've posted. Last time I got on here I was in Boston..freezing, but loving life. Beer, kilts, and Dropkick Murphys. What more could you ask for? So anyhow, all is well..same old same old. I guess I've been spending most of my free time at BJJ. I've been teaching the fundamentals class...
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you are a dork.

isabel and dominic shoud play.

thats all.
The itallian place? You should have said hi! smile

I'm here in Boston...and it's snowing...I don't have much time...but it's snowing..that's all I can say..it's making my Floridian bones ache...
here in italy it s freezing..and we are in april!

Hey stranger. You should call me and we should hang out sometime. What have you been up to?
So fucking Flogging Molly was last night at Jannus Landing...what a fucking great night..I love those guys..

I got shitfaced, got a black eye, lost some clothes, bought some clothes, a cd, a fucking awesome flag and met my sister's new boyfriend who is a cool dude...what a great night..I can't say that enough...

That time change fucked me up though..I stumbled in at what...
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I was considering going to that show but I didn't make it. I went to bed ungodly early and got up at the buttcrack of dawn today.

Why? Only my insane insomnia can tell you.

I started day shift last week..and this is my Friday..so i have the next three days off..let me break it down this way..the sunlight is great..the shift sucks...lol..I hate traffic, I hate burlgaries, and 0430 comes fucking quick!! But oh well, no big deal...Problem is, the other officers are either old, or lazy...so that means that I do all the work, because I am...
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Um, we will be needing a photo of you on said horse.

Preferably naked, but whatever you can manage. wink

So holy fuck...I'm going into the mountains to meditate..

"When seeking answers, one must quiet the soul in order to hear them." a wise man once said that.

Love you all!!