Horrible day yesterday.
Two of our dogs sick and getting antibiotic shots every day, one for pneumonia, another for an unknown infection. They both seemed like they were getting better. One (first photo, unknown infection) took a turn for the worse Sunday night, obviously dying, having seizures every 30 minutes, couldn't move, labored breathing. We knew we had to take her the next morning to be put to sleep, but it was horrible to see her suffer in the meantime. At one point, my roommate was begging the dog to just let go, to just die so she wouldn't have to keep suffering. My roommate slept all night next to her.
Monday morning, take the dog to the vet to be put to sleep. Come back, and the other dog (second photo) had died while we were gone..
So now, grief as well as guilt. Paying so much attention to the dog that was obviously dying, and thinking this one was getting better. And he dies alone.
I am so soryy to hear about your loss. I have been thinking a lot about getting a dog when I come back to NOLA. An hearing your story made me tear up.....my condolences
larue did my KATRINA/NOLA Memorial piece
I was wrong Second Skin is still there....d'oh