Went to an early Halloween fetish party last night. Went as an evil fairy, with skeleton hands on my poofy skirt and leathery wings instead of butterfly or gossamer. Forgot to get photos.
Got played by two Mistresses, which was fun, but hit subspace so hard I was hanging, almost passed out on the cross.
It's still so weird to me how I can go to a scene party, which almost looks like a normal party when it starts, and chat with people and meet new faces and eat and drink and have a good social time. But then people start playing and see people you've talked to naked, tied up, being played, both impact and sexual (or see the person you've talked to being the instigator). Or even more bizarre - ME being naked and tied up in front of all these people, and having things done to me.
I will tell you this. You have to let go of your insecurities REALLY quickly. It's refreshing in a way, seeing others laughing, crying, needy, comforting, brazen. And you see all sorts of body shapes and sized, from 'scrawny' to over the 300 mark. And it's so open, and nobody feels shamed, and they have no doubt that they are attractive in some way and that others will want to play with them.

Got played by two Mistresses, which was fun, but hit subspace so hard I was hanging, almost passed out on the cross.
It's still so weird to me how I can go to a scene party, which almost looks like a normal party when it starts, and chat with people and meet new faces and eat and drink and have a good social time. But then people start playing and see people you've talked to naked, tied up, being played, both impact and sexual (or see the person you've talked to being the instigator). Or even more bizarre - ME being naked and tied up in front of all these people, and having things done to me.
I will tell you this. You have to let go of your insecurities REALLY quickly. It's refreshing in a way, seeing others laughing, crying, needy, comforting, brazen. And you see all sorts of body shapes and sized, from 'scrawny' to over the 300 mark. And it's so open, and nobody feels shamed, and they have no doubt that they are attractive in some way and that others will want to play with them.
dude! i love new orleans. i haven't been there since way before katrina, though.
thanks for the comment on my page. i didn't think anyone but me ever read people's 'about me' sections.
albuquerque is still here, are you still thinking about moving? it's an interesting place in a non big city in a big city kind of way. everyone i know always swears they will move away and then never does.
i'm currently reading 'every dead thing', what are you reading?
oh, and mac pigments... i'd totally die without them. their jet black is the best thing ever!
you like my babies then? *grin* and what do mean I'm stubborn?! tsk
sounds like you had another fun time out?! you naughty naughty girl!
moldspawn's ink .. yeah its a riot of colour!
so ... when you coming to scotland then huh huhhhhhh??