Our poor baby locked herself in the bathroom while we were gone, and (not related) I haven't looked at my tattoo in 2 days, and New Orleans was swarmed with a murder (a flock? a pack? a herd? a swarm?) of Goths.
1. One of our two Catahoula pooches, a breed I never heard of before coming to Louisiana, managed to get the bathroom door unstuck (it's warped so doesn't close completely just sticks). We figure she went inside, then overjoyed at being in a forbidden place, did her happy little spin which knocked the door shut. There's scratch marks from where she tried to jump on it to get it open, only getting it more stuck, so we really had to shove to get it open. She was quite frantic.
2. My back tattoo is almost completely healed. It's peeled and has no scabs. I can't FEEL it anymore. So, though I've been washing it and putting lotion on it, I'm terrified that I will look in the mirror and it will have disappeard. So I don't look.
3. Convergence was/is a blast. Lovely to see hundreds of goths descend upon our city. It was no big deal to the locals, they've seen everything. But the normal tourists from Iowa or wherever, their eyes were bugging out, especially at the girsl in fishnet & guys in skirts. Some of the nicer ones asked to be photographed with some of the festival goers, so they could show the people back home. On a happy note, a Lexus full of blonde sorority/cheerleader chicks yelled to me and a goth guy I was talking to on the sidewalk, "FREAKS!!!"
Gods, my feet are KILLING me...
1. One of our two Catahoula pooches, a breed I never heard of before coming to Louisiana, managed to get the bathroom door unstuck (it's warped so doesn't close completely just sticks). We figure she went inside, then overjoyed at being in a forbidden place, did her happy little spin which knocked the door shut. There's scratch marks from where she tried to jump on it to get it open, only getting it more stuck, so we really had to shove to get it open. She was quite frantic.
2. My back tattoo is almost completely healed. It's peeled and has no scabs. I can't FEEL it anymore. So, though I've been washing it and putting lotion on it, I'm terrified that I will look in the mirror and it will have disappeard. So I don't look.
3. Convergence was/is a blast. Lovely to see hundreds of goths descend upon our city. It was no big deal to the locals, they've seen everything. But the normal tourists from Iowa or wherever, their eyes were bugging out, especially at the girsl in fishnet & guys in skirts. Some of the nicer ones asked to be photographed with some of the festival goers, so they could show the people back home. On a happy note, a Lexus full of blonde sorority/cheerleader chicks yelled to me and a goth guy I was talking to on the sidewalk, "FREAKS!!!"
Gods, my feet are KILLING me...
Yes- Being called a Freek is a compliment! Rather than being called a Sheep!
Glad you had a fun time!!!!!

so, do you think hippie boys in skirts and goth boys in skirts would have mutual respect for one another? i mean, really, they should. (i heart hippie boys in skirts.)