Don’t even know exactly how I wanna start this, but I guess I’ll start with the most recent thing first.
I’ve been feeling kinda crappy lately. I’ve still been going to the gym, but my eating, like usual, is not the greatest. I’ve been snacking on candy here and there, and having some way too big dinner portions in the last little bit. I’ve been putting off getting on the scale for several days, but this morning, I said “fuck it. It’s gonna be whatever it’s gonna be”. And I was actually a little surprised. I was like 4-ish lbs lower than I expected. I guess I haven’t been too bad, but I could obviously be better.
So, like I said, I’ve still been getting to the gym. Usually 3-5 times a week. And the eating’s not great, but I don’t really have any big “thing” to look good for. My BDay already passed, so the only thing coming up at the moment is summer. I doubt I’ll have some killer bikini bod this year, but I feel like if I can just keep up with my exercising and really cut back on my junk food, I should be able to make some real progress.
Lastly, I’ve been thinking about that situation with the guy at my work who wanted to ask me out and then changed his mind. We haven’t talked about it since, and things are pretty much back to normal now, but he’s like all I think about. I’m not gonna go into my thought process on this whole thing, cuz it’d take too long to type, but I just really wanna be with him. I’m gonna try to work up the courage to talk to him again and see if I can prove to him that I’m not the other girls he’s dated and I’d actually be a really good girlfriend. I just need to make sure I sound really mature and not desperate and clingy. Which I’m not; I just wanna be with someone who gives a shit about me. -.-