Seeing a little more progress.
Today is day 18 of (what should be, but won't be) 30. I'm down another few lbs. I haven't measured my arms or thighs recently, but I think I'll do that tomorrow morning, if I get a minute. I have noticed a few pieces of clothing fitting better, and a girl from my work told me I look like I've lost weight. :)
Anyway, another thing I've noticed recently is that it doesn't take as much food to fill me up. My stomach's probably shrunk a little, but I'm also watching my portions and not gorging myself on sweets every other day, so I guess this is just how normal people are supposed to eat. lol. But I also sometimes feel like skipping dinner. It's not that I'm not hungry; I can just be indecisive at times and I almost feel too lazy to decide what to make. I haven't skipped any meals, but it sometimes feels like I have to force myself to eat something to keep my metabolism going and to silence the thoughts that say "if you eat less, you'll weigh less". No biggie though. And I've been trying to get to the gym every other day. It feels good to be kind of getting back into that routine.
I hope this is all gonna be enough to see some decent results before I head for Florida in ONE WEEK! *fingers crossed*