I made a little more progress.
Down a few more lbs, thighs and arms are a little smaller, but mainly, I'm feeling pretty good. And I was finally able to get to the gym for the first time this year. I was struggling a little bit while using the same weights I normally use, but my cardio endurance was still what it used to be.
Anyway, yesterday, I was kinda bad. I had a good breakfast, but over the rest of the day, I had a hot dog, some roast beef with mashed potatoes, peas, and gravy, and 5 or 6 two-bite brownies. I really wasn't feeling well after most of that, so I gonna help me not want to treat myself with sugar. lolWell, I have almost another 2 weeks, so I've just gotta put my nose to the grindstone and hope for some more progress.