Well, it's been a very long time since I've updated. I apologize, but in all honesty, I don't think many people read these, so I doubt it really mattered that much.
Anywho, if I was to say not much has happened since my last post, that'd be a lie. But it's really just a lot of small things; work things, life things, and not losing weight things. I'm planning to turn that around in the next couple week though. The factory that I work at has shut down for the next 2 weeks for the holidays. They do this every year since we'd (apparently) be extremely dead. That's fine with me though. I could really use the extra time to sleep, but I'm most looking forward to hitting the gym. Didn't get there this weekend, but I'm gonna get there tomorrow and fuckin' kill it. And I'll be there during normal work hours, so I shouldn't have to worry about most of the equipment I want to use being occupied. I'm gonna keep this plan going and pretty much try to spend a bunch of time at the gym while I'm on break. Even if I'm sore from the previous days work out, I'll just pop an ibuprofen and go for it. Any small work out is better than no work out. I know I won't be able to get there everyday cuz of holidays and various appts, but at least I'll be going a lot more than I have this whole month. I'm really hoping to go back to work several pounds lighter and inches small.
We'll see though.I guess that's all I've got to say right now. If I don't update before XMas, Season's Greetings everyone. :)