Thu. April 18
I've got the next 4 days off. Thank God!
Ok, so, I have an idea. Not sure if I'll be able to do all of it, but I'll try. Since I have tomorrow off for a concert, and I don't really have any huge time restrictions, I'm going to go to the gym and try to do a 1000 cal burning work out. I figure I'll do my regular weight machines and benching and squatting, but I'll also have 2 sessions on the stairclimber (cuz it seems to really get my heart rate up) of like 25-30 mins each session. Once that is done, I'll come home, clean up and then catch a bus to head downtown. Once downtown, I'll walk from the bus terminal to the venue (35 mins), enjoy the show (definitely gonna be jumping around and getting sweaty) and then walk back to the bus terminal and go home. The only things that may not go as planned is not burning as many cals at the gym and catching the subway home instead (which is a closer walk to the venue). I'll see though. I'd really like to be able to do this and be wearing my heart rate monitor and see the results.
Um, I think that's all I have to say for now. I was down .2lbs today, but I feel like I'll probably be up tomorrow. :/
I've got the next 4 days off. Thank God!
Ok, so, I have an idea. Not sure if I'll be able to do all of it, but I'll try. Since I have tomorrow off for a concert, and I don't really have any huge time restrictions, I'm going to go to the gym and try to do a 1000 cal burning work out. I figure I'll do my regular weight machines and benching and squatting, but I'll also have 2 sessions on the stairclimber (cuz it seems to really get my heart rate up) of like 25-30 mins each session. Once that is done, I'll come home, clean up and then catch a bus to head downtown. Once downtown, I'll walk from the bus terminal to the venue (35 mins), enjoy the show (definitely gonna be jumping around and getting sweaty) and then walk back to the bus terminal and go home. The only things that may not go as planned is not burning as many cals at the gym and catching the subway home instead (which is a closer walk to the venue). I'll see though. I'd really like to be able to do this and be wearing my heart rate monitor and see the results.
Um, I think that's all I have to say for now. I was down .2lbs today, but I feel like I'll probably be up tomorrow. :/
now you've got me curious what the venue is, since i'm familiar with most of them