"Fear can hold you prisoner.
Hope can set you free."
That seems a touch misleading.
A misrepresentation perhaps.
Or maybe,
I'm the only one who has
ever felt held prisoner
by hope.
In other news
The BD was pretty gangsta.
Thanks to all who participated in the making of.
As usual there was one exception to the rule, but
we should be used to him by this juncture.
Yippee for his uncanny ability to wreck any
glorious moment.
The spa was yummy.
The weekend brought with it unforseen,
but greatly enjoyed,
wicked delights related to my previously mentioned,
and still closely guarded, secret.
We should have lunch together.
Or drinks.
Us together hanging out.
Make it happen dorkwad.
Don't go to bars alone.
No matter how safe you think you'll be
someone WILL hit on you.
Hope can set you free."
That seems a touch misleading.
A misrepresentation perhaps.
Or maybe,
I'm the only one who has
ever felt held prisoner
by hope.
In other news
The BD was pretty gangsta.
Thanks to all who participated in the making of.
As usual there was one exception to the rule, but
we should be used to him by this juncture.
Yippee for his uncanny ability to wreck any
glorious moment.
The spa was yummy.
The weekend brought with it unforseen,
but greatly enjoyed,
wicked delights related to my previously mentioned,
and still closely guarded, secret.
We should have lunch together.
Or drinks.
Us together hanging out.
Make it happen dorkwad.
Don't go to bars alone.
No matter how safe you think you'll be
someone WILL hit on you.