on the left,
miss nikki hunter...on the right, my new crush, miss kelly wells...in the middle, one happy fucking dude.
this picture is just before the orgy where those two plus simone riley got the living daylights fucked out of them by me and 5 other dudes (5 more than i would have liked but we cant always have our way). this shoot came on the morning of my 4th day in Vegas and it was the first of 3 I would have that day (the 5th of 9 total for the trip). my buddy rico shades was nice enough to allow wifey and i to crash at his place for a week. instead of pay, i had to be stunt dick in one of his movies. oh how i suffer for my art.
this shoot was first class all the way. the location was some swanky mansion that looked ready for an episode of MTV Cribs. there were more people on the set than Ive ever had at 3 of my shoots combined. and the girls, as you can see from the pics, were 100% porn star pedigree. i generally don't go this route for financial, geographical and personal reasons. but i was ever so willing to deviate from the norm in this instance.
i have no aspiration to be a big time porn star and make these kinds of shoots a regular routine. but if i can take a periodic walk on the other side of the fence, i will be happy happy happy.
Pimpin' ain't easy.

Did you see that there is a group now for "the Secret"? I noticed that the video that you had linked to is now gone, so I can't just watch the whole thing for free, I will have to go and purchase it or find it elsewhere. I have heard other people talking about this lately. I really need to keep working on keeping the positive forces in my life.