yesterday was quite an action packed day. started out with breakfast over at my parents as i said goodbye to my girls before my mom took them back home to pittsburgh. afterwards, my son and i head back home for a couple of games of lego star wars while we wait for my lawyer to show up with some paperwork for the business. once that was done, we all hop in the car and head out to get a couple of computer monitors, a massive external hard drive (to store all this video footage im am shooting/editing), some new video games, a bed for my son and a few other random items. we get back home around eight and i spend a frustrating 3 hours trying to assemble the boy's bed while deciphering Ikea's "pictionary" directions. so since i didnt get much of a chance to post a
kwanzaa entry yesterday, i'll pull double duty today.
yesterday was the fifth day of kwanzaa and the principle for that day was nia (nee-yah) which means purpose. i have always been one to weave a sense of purpose throughout all that i do. im not one to do much just for the sake of doing it. even with respect to my porn career. sure i love sex. but its not just something to do. it gives me the chance to do design and development and video editing and all those wonderful things. but its also about doing something that showcases real people having fun in natural, healthy ways. i would like to think that i am helping to expand and change people's perception of porn. maybe im just fooling myself, but if you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything. i think that life is too short and the world is too crazy to meander about aimlessly.
today is day six of kwanzaa and the principle of today is kuumba (kooh-oom-bah) which means creativity. its pretty obvious that i have a creative flair to things i do. i have and will continue to find ways where i can do things in a slightly different fashion. may not be better. may not be worse. but it will always be me. my creative approach is one that is the result of so many unique life experiences. but my creativity is not always demonstrated in an artistic sense. sometimes the creativity comes out in finding solutions to problems or within relationships with others. i am grateful for the fact that i am rarely at a loss for ideas (many of them extremely ambitious). i hope that my creativity can inspire others to leave their own mark on those around them.
kwanzaa entry yesterday, i'll pull double duty today.
yesterday was the fifth day of kwanzaa and the principle for that day was nia (nee-yah) which means purpose. i have always been one to weave a sense of purpose throughout all that i do. im not one to do much just for the sake of doing it. even with respect to my porn career. sure i love sex. but its not just something to do. it gives me the chance to do design and development and video editing and all those wonderful things. but its also about doing something that showcases real people having fun in natural, healthy ways. i would like to think that i am helping to expand and change people's perception of porn. maybe im just fooling myself, but if you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything. i think that life is too short and the world is too crazy to meander about aimlessly.
today is day six of kwanzaa and the principle of today is kuumba (kooh-oom-bah) which means creativity. its pretty obvious that i have a creative flair to things i do. i have and will continue to find ways where i can do things in a slightly different fashion. may not be better. may not be worse. but it will always be me. my creative approach is one that is the result of so many unique life experiences. but my creativity is not always demonstrated in an artistic sense. sometimes the creativity comes out in finding solutions to problems or within relationships with others. i am grateful for the fact that i am rarely at a loss for ideas (many of them extremely ambitious). i hope that my creativity can inspire others to leave their own mark on those around them.
happy new year!!!!!!!!

thanks. happy new year