i gotta say, i havent felt this damn good in a while. this has truly been the most awesome of weeks in a long time. first off, the site had the best week EVER...which totally rocks. and ive got my tickets for vegas and even more confirmed shoots than the other day. i get up this morning to take the van to the shop expecting a $200 brake job. the estimate is double that...which sucks but i got the money so no need to be stingy. and then i get home and theres a phat check waiting for me from a client for a video editng job. how is THAT for the stars aligning properly?
but the icing on the cake has got to be the return of the muse. me and that bitch use to be together like peas and carrots. but until recently i just wasnt hearing much of what she had to say. i am working to get a website up for kianna jayde and i started something thursday night but just wasnt feeling it. but last night...OMG...
this used to happen with me all the time when i would write new tunes. its not so much like i was creating something. its more like i was allowing something to be created and i was merely the agent for that creation. when i am truly in the zone, its almost as if i am unaware of what i am doing. ideas start flowing and things just fall into place. and the result...

it still needs a bit of tweaking but im feeling it so far. i am REALLY feeling it. next i have to work out the designs for the rest of the site sections and then its nothing but lots of coding for me. funness.
but the icing on the cake has got to be the return of the muse. me and that bitch use to be together like peas and carrots. but until recently i just wasnt hearing much of what she had to say. i am working to get a website up for kianna jayde and i started something thursday night but just wasnt feeling it. but last night...OMG...
this used to happen with me all the time when i would write new tunes. its not so much like i was creating something. its more like i was allowing something to be created and i was merely the agent for that creation. when i am truly in the zone, its almost as if i am unaware of what i am doing. ideas start flowing and things just fall into place. and the result...

it still needs a bit of tweaking but im feeling it so far. i am REALLY feeling it. next i have to work out the designs for the rest of the site sections and then its nothing but lots of coding for me. funness.
cant wait to comes out of you for my stuff..
Merry Christmas!!!