im in need of something.
not quite sure what it is though. lately i have been getting ALMOST enough sleep. no real problems waking up and getting through the day. but im not feeling fully energized from a creative point. kind of like im stuck in 3rd gear...i aint holdin up traffic, but i cant get moving enough to slide into the left lane. i pretty much slept from the time i got home last night so now i feel pretty refreshed. maybe that will help.
so i got an email from an old buddy of mine last week. i first met him when i was a software instructor and he was a student in one of my classes. at the time, he worked for a big company doing boring work but wanted to do cool design projects on the side. we kept in contact and i hired him as a freelancer on some projects i had at the time. since then we kept in touch off and on.
well, i replied to him yesterday as i was cleaning out the 50+ messages in my inbox (yeah that may not seem like a lot, but i always sort my incoming messages so that i never have any more than 5 in the actual inbox. so having 50 means i was REALLY slacking...but anyhow). he got back to me and said that his company was looking for someone with my skill set and he thought of me. i replied that i would be interested but my pay rate could be a bit of a deterrent because i have multiple responsibilties and a unique position.
later, i got an email from the guy at the company...its a relatively new company founded by a former AOL exec. i dont get the impression that money is an issue for them. and if i know my boy, he probably has them thinking that i walk on water.
so this could be interesting. i'm going to call today and see whats up. now is the PERFECT time for me to switch jobs. i have NO drive where i am. and to be honest, even if the pay was comprable but less, i would probably take it if the work environment was better. i have friends who used to work at AOL in the early days and they have some good things to say about the culture there.
i have grown a lot in my faith. not faith in a religious sense. just faith in the natural order of things in the world. when i was talking with my wife the other day i told her that i have come to believe in two fundamental truths about life.
first, no matter how shitty things may seem, we are NEVER given more to deal with than we are truly capable of handling. if things seem insurmountable, its merely a test for us to see if we are prepared to grow and move to the next phase of life. second, although we may not get what we want when we want it, rarely do we go without what we need when we need it.
the funny thing is, if you talk to people who study and practice any form of religion from bhudism to islam to christianity to hindu, you will find strains of this thinking somewhere in each. so i dont see myself as discovering anything new...merely awakening to truth that has been there all along.
not quite sure what it is though. lately i have been getting ALMOST enough sleep. no real problems waking up and getting through the day. but im not feeling fully energized from a creative point. kind of like im stuck in 3rd gear...i aint holdin up traffic, but i cant get moving enough to slide into the left lane. i pretty much slept from the time i got home last night so now i feel pretty refreshed. maybe that will help.
so i got an email from an old buddy of mine last week. i first met him when i was a software instructor and he was a student in one of my classes. at the time, he worked for a big company doing boring work but wanted to do cool design projects on the side. we kept in contact and i hired him as a freelancer on some projects i had at the time. since then we kept in touch off and on.
well, i replied to him yesterday as i was cleaning out the 50+ messages in my inbox (yeah that may not seem like a lot, but i always sort my incoming messages so that i never have any more than 5 in the actual inbox. so having 50 means i was REALLY slacking...but anyhow). he got back to me and said that his company was looking for someone with my skill set and he thought of me. i replied that i would be interested but my pay rate could be a bit of a deterrent because i have multiple responsibilties and a unique position.
later, i got an email from the guy at the company...its a relatively new company founded by a former AOL exec. i dont get the impression that money is an issue for them. and if i know my boy, he probably has them thinking that i walk on water.
so this could be interesting. i'm going to call today and see whats up. now is the PERFECT time for me to switch jobs. i have NO drive where i am. and to be honest, even if the pay was comprable but less, i would probably take it if the work environment was better. i have friends who used to work at AOL in the early days and they have some good things to say about the culture there.
i have grown a lot in my faith. not faith in a religious sense. just faith in the natural order of things in the world. when i was talking with my wife the other day i told her that i have come to believe in two fundamental truths about life.
first, no matter how shitty things may seem, we are NEVER given more to deal with than we are truly capable of handling. if things seem insurmountable, its merely a test for us to see if we are prepared to grow and move to the next phase of life. second, although we may not get what we want when we want it, rarely do we go without what we need when we need it.
the funny thing is, if you talk to people who study and practice any form of religion from bhudism to islam to christianity to hindu, you will find strains of this thinking somewhere in each. so i dont see myself as discovering anything new...merely awakening to truth that has been there all along.
I completely agree with you on awakening to the life around yuo, I am in that period of my life tight now, isnt it wonderful?.......and I hope the job thing goes well, I am actually ok in my job for the moment.

Very insightful. I have those days too and you know what I do for a living.
I think that would be great if you got the job with your friend. When one door closes, another one opens (since we are in philisophical mode). You have to have faith in life, otherwise you might as well just lay down and be road kill. I've worked in the industry you are currently in (adult)... I have a client in the industry anyway... but I'm on the other Let me tell you after awhile you become very numb to things and nothing really surprises you anymore and sometimes you see an ugly side of the human race - but it's real. Thankfully I'm not with them full-time anymore (only part-time)and it has made a world of difference. I don't know how much you love what you do.... but that's just been my experience.
BTW - you have a lovely wife.