as if my lack of consistent updates didnt hint to this already, theres a 99% chance that i'll be leaving SG-land. its nothing personal. in fact i love the people and the site. but im just way too fucking busy to be split in so many directions. besides, not that SG is direct competition with what i'm going to be doing this year, but its... Read More
Did you see that there is a group now for "the Secret"? I noticed that the video that you had linked to is now gone, so I can't just watch the whole thing for free, I will have to go and purchase it or find it elsewhere. I have heard other people talking about this lately. I really need to keep working on keeping the positive forces in my life.
got baked with wifey tonite and watched snakes on a plane which actually was not as atrocious as i thought it would be. i was lying in bed drifting to sleep when i thought of a coworker. actually, shes more than a coworker. shes one of the coolest people and best friends i can say i have. she knows about both sides of me. and... Read More
happy birthday to the greatest of all time...muhammad ali...forever float like a butterfly...sting like a bee. there will never be another greater.
so i am back in the office today and fighting off what i think is the flu. meh. but the nyquil in my system is making me feel kinda goooooooooooood riiiiight noooooooow. so i guess its not all bad.
I think its really amazing that your wife fully supports you in all this, im sure it can make things difficult at times, so a strong relationship is a must...glad you are bieng safe, thats number one above all else!!
and so here we are. the seventh and final day of kwanzaa as well as the start of a new year. today's principle is imani (ee-mah-nee) which means faith. not particularly a religious faith. but faith in a higher power, the wisdom of the ancestors and the existence of a divine and universal law/order. for me, its been the very thing that has allowed me... Read More
yesterday was quite an action packed day. started out with breakfast over at my parents as i said goodbye to my girls before my mom took them back home to pittsburgh. afterwards, my son and i head back home for a couple of games of lego star wars while we wait for my lawyer to show up with some paperwork for the business. once that... Read More
and now we arrive at day four which is the principle ujamaa (ohh-jah-maah) or cooperative economics. the initial spirit of this principle is one that black people should patronize black businesses.... Read More
arrgh...its been a crazy day. had to do my monthly visit for cooties testing in preparation for my trip to vegas (baby) in just 13 days (countin them bitches down). i normally use my personal physician but since i will be bumping uglies with a bunch of west coast industry types, i have to use the test that is commony used in the industry and... Read More
for the next few days i will be sharing my celebration of kwanzaa. in yesterday's post i gave an introduction and discussed the first principle, umoja, which means unity. read up if you need a refresher.
today is the second day and the principle for today is kujichagulia (koo-jee-cha-goo-lee-yah). this was always one of my favorites because, come on...its one of the coolest words to... Read More
Hmmm...self determination... Well, I've always been an individual and sometimes a bit of a loner. I find it difficult to follow the path in front of me....I always want to blaze my own.
I think for this year, I will try to become more confident in my abilities to fully utilize my potential. I know my strengths and weaknesses; it's time to use my strengths and work on my weaknesses instead of being afraid.
Improvement of self will be a major part of my life in 2007
man its been super crazy for me. i am extremely happy that i got kianna's website finished. although it was a chore and it took me a few more days than i anticipated--mainly because of my day job. but shes happy and im happy and the feedback has been strong so thats all good. its really just a temporary site to have in place... Read More
Hey, I'm glad you were able to sit back and relax for a few. I never knew much about Kwanzaa....thanks for the info. I guess I work toward unity by generally trying to be a down to earth and open person. I tend to give people a chance....but I also tend to give them ONE chance, and then I close them off. Maybe I can be a bit more forgiving in the new year. Hmmmm....
i gotta say, i havent felt this damn good in a while. this has truly been the most awesome of weeks in a long time. first off, the site had the best week EVER...which totally rocks. and ive got my tickets for vegas and even more confirmed shoots than the other day. i get up this morning to take the van to the shop expecting... Read More
But it's awesome to hear good things are happening in your world. I'll keep in touch every now and again, til then stay sweet.