hey brandon just wanted to say hi
So, I finished first in the qualifing round of "The Funniest Person In Iowa" competion. That mean's I'm one of 8 people in the finals.

Below is a link of a pretty bad perfomance of mine a month ago. I went up after the show had ran 2 hours and the crowd was just dead.
Brandon Burns - CR-Penguins 02-24-05
Oh I really liked the meth bit, especialy with in respect to supporting the locan econemy. I like the edgey stuff like that... Nie work, you are really funny.
I am coming to CR sometime in June thinks around the 15th give or take to get all my things from my storage and move it to Ohio... maybe we can run into each other when I am in CR
My feelings are mixed on Cedar Rapids...though overall positive.

First off, I was originally listed as the last person to go up before Derek(It is his club...and he is one of the funniest people). That's a huge honor to me that he would place me that high on the list of performers. It's one thing to tell somebody you think they're good...it's another to show...
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Wow you know I never really thought about the whole line up of a comedy show. In dj world you want to go on about midnight, if it's a club that stays open till 3-4 you generaly are expected to play along time or at least till 3 and if the club is open to 4 sometimes there is will be a DJ to close and calm everyone down for an hour. Whats the best comedy slot? It's funny but I am starting to see alot of similarities between the two industries (music and comedy).

Do comideans burn houre long CDs of themselves to sell after shows?

These are most likely stupid questions but I'm very curious.

Good luck with your shows.
I just had more thoughts questions and so on... I'm like this because I love comedy.

I love when stand up comedians tie a strand of jokes into a mach larger joke. YOu know where they sort of tell a story but there are giggles and jokes in the whole process. It's often done when comics talk politics or relationships and so on.

Me not knowing how much time a comic at your levle gets; I'm curious to know a few things.

1. how long do you usualy get on stage?

2. If you get a small amount of time is it harder to do the longer storeyline sorta comedy?

3. Is there industry slang for some of the things I've been talking about? We have music industry speak that some might need a transllater for.

I'm asking lots of questions.... I'll go away now.
"They say you can't please all the people all the time. Last night all those people were at my show."
*Quote - Mitch Hedberg
*Actually happened to - Me

Quad Cities sucked. I did pretty well, but the crowd was horrible. For starters, the first four rows were empty, which automaticlly made for a bad show. Had that happened in Cedar Rapids...people would have been...
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ROugh crowds happen, I havent' come across one in years fortunatly. They happen when least expected though.

Good luck with Cedar Rapids.....
from Brandon's Myspace

The Potato Incident

I had an awesome night at work. Check out my new photos to see me fucking around at work...more on that later.

Derek, Lance and I went to Wal-mart today. While walking with Lance, I seen one of the most incredible things...an individually wrapped potato for sale($0.68 by the way). Something came over me and I thought..."I have to...
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thanks for the comment on the photo... I had a friend take the pic if I get the nerve to I will post the other self pics I did with the same set and boa
I'd love to hear your set, however I know that sharing any old set soemtimes doesn't do. I"m going to master my last performance so if you like electronit dance music I'll send you a copy.

Take caare.
Damn that link din't work....

Well I can say this about breaking up with girls before the hollidays and getting brack with them after... You must be wasting your time.with these girls. It will seem like a lifetime before you meet the right person but when it happens time accelerates.

take care.
From Brandon's Myspace

It Should Have Been Awkward...

I worked at Penguin's from 11 am until 9 pm on Thursday(with a 45 minute break to go home and change before the "speed dating" thing down at the club). The second shift was kinda stressful. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I was getting hungry(and therefore tired and cranky). The...
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Thats kind of a sweet storey.

Let me know about your tape as I'm very interested. I give pretty good critiques it's one of the things they taught me how to do in art school and I know comedy really well. I guees you could say I"m a bit of a comedy junkie.n One of my dream jobs would be a comedy writer for a show on HBO.

From Brandon's MySpace

I got my car back today...$385($435 if you include the tow from last night). Do you understand how many times I need to eat Ramen noodles instead of lunch to earn back my $435. About 90.

Moving on...

This could be my first Valentine's Day without a Valentine in a long time. Does anybody want to be my Valentine?

Moving on...

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haha, oh sorry to hear about the roman.,,,

Back in art school I lived with a chinees girl. We're very close she is like my sister. I came up with a great way to stretch my $90 a week funds. I stoped buying food and went on an all Roman diet. After all her mom did come and visit her and brought her a crate of really high end roman. This stuff had three packets of seasoning. One was dried vegies, one was oil, and one was the salty seasoning. It was the best roman I"ve ever had. Anywasy I saved allot of many and drank allot of beer for two week when suddenly it was put a stop to as she found out I ate all but two to the Roman packets.

Obviously I felt bad about it for the next month or so....

Hey do you ever tape your stand up act when doing it at a club?
from Brandon's Myspace

It's a big enough umbrella...
...but it's always me that ends up getting wet.

The day was ok. I got my cell phone back around 5 while working at PRP. Then 11:30 comes around. My alternator goes out on Center Point and Collins. I decide not to mess with it and call for a tow. The tow arrives literally two minutes later....
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ouch that sounds like a hard day....

oh, I like your clever way of sharing files.
I lost(misplaced - hopefully) my cell phone Friday afternoon. I really should care more, but I don't. The people who feel the need to reach me know where to find me...everybody else can leave a voice message.

It was found before I turned it off, but I haven't picked it up from my friends house yet. Appartently I dropped it in the snow, while helping my friend Jamie carry in some groceries.
YEah Edwood had been bumping into allot of shit. We are supposed to keep him calm and mostly sleeping for the first 7 days but I am letting him run tonight. I couldn't stand seeing my son(puppy) stuck doing nothing for a week.
Current Reflections...

I didn't have to work very hard today...and everybody was to busy to answer their phones, so I had time to reflect on things.

I was thinking about how every decision you make affects others in ways you'd have never guessed. I was thinking about how good my life has been going the last few months and how I got to where I...
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Yeah things work in strange way. Sometimes when I think back on things I would have done differently in my life I realize that if I had I wouldn't be were I was now. Such is life.