Hey, whatever happened to that gorgeous dude from NYC that I met on here and used to text every day? Come forth!
Also, who gardens? I'm a n00b and I'm so excited! I spent yesterday afternoon touring garden supply centers and greenhouses. Last year, we grew some simple herbs on the windowsill as well as some tomatoes & peas; a few green onions; and other misc. shrubbery. This year, I'm really interested in starting from seed, and bought a little greenhouse kit with a sun lamp and everything. We don't have a backyard, but we do have a decent patio, and I'm super into the idea of completely packing it with container edibles so as to have all-day access to my own little kitchen garden. I'm dabbling. I'm stoked!!
I'm on a walk with Jonas as I write this from my iPhone. I work this afternoon but I'm not too sure how it's going to be today. I'm about at the end of my rope (again) with piercing and have become rather shut-off and impersonal. Patience running thin. True self trying to shine. Yadda yadda!

Also, who gardens? I'm a n00b and I'm so excited! I spent yesterday afternoon touring garden supply centers and greenhouses. Last year, we grew some simple herbs on the windowsill as well as some tomatoes & peas; a few green onions; and other misc. shrubbery. This year, I'm really interested in starting from seed, and bought a little greenhouse kit with a sun lamp and everything. We don't have a backyard, but we do have a decent patio, and I'm super into the idea of completely packing it with container edibles so as to have all-day access to my own little kitchen garden. I'm dabbling. I'm stoked!!
I'm on a walk with Jonas as I write this from my iPhone. I work this afternoon but I'm not too sure how it's going to be today. I'm about at the end of my rope (again) with piercing and have become rather shut-off and impersonal. Patience running thin. True self trying to shine. Yadda yadda!

im a little shocked that someone would stop texting with an SG. like that shit is crazy 

I miss your little updates. Your life is so fascinating to me and I often wonder if we would be friends IRL.