Daaamn it's been a long week. My boss has to take Saturday off as well, so I'll be working alone on the busiest day of the week... ho hum. Should be fun.
Got to reading The Call of Cthulhu tonight. Best story ever to read in a dark room. I'm not much into horror, unless it's really soul-chilling, and H.P. Lovecraft's stuff seriously is. Still spine chilling after all these years. Or, should I say, you can feel tentacles on your neck.
There's absolutely nothing playing at the local theatre this week that doesn't look craptastic. Oh well. Suppose I can save my two free movie passes for another time. Wonder how long they'll honour them. No expiry date on them.
I seriously hate being woken up from good dreams. Like, 4 times this morning I got woken up before I needed to be up, and each time I was at a very interesting point in a dream. Not cool.
In other incredibly geeky, and mostly boring, news, I've started playing City of Heroes again. I have no idea why. Habit, I suppose.
I've decided my next pet is going to be a ferret or a hedgehog. My brothers bloody cat that I have to take care of is way too annoying, dogs are way to much work, especially the large dogs I like. Need a pet that's cage-able and doesn't mind that I'm gone for over 9 hours a day. That is, once my brother takes his cat back. Damned Siamese. Why must he be so pretty, yet so annoying?
Got to reading The Call of Cthulhu tonight. Best story ever to read in a dark room. I'm not much into horror, unless it's really soul-chilling, and H.P. Lovecraft's stuff seriously is. Still spine chilling after all these years. Or, should I say, you can feel tentacles on your neck.

There's absolutely nothing playing at the local theatre this week that doesn't look craptastic. Oh well. Suppose I can save my two free movie passes for another time. Wonder how long they'll honour them. No expiry date on them.
I seriously hate being woken up from good dreams. Like, 4 times this morning I got woken up before I needed to be up, and each time I was at a very interesting point in a dream. Not cool.
In other incredibly geeky, and mostly boring, news, I've started playing City of Heroes again. I have no idea why. Habit, I suppose.
I've decided my next pet is going to be a ferret or a hedgehog. My brothers bloody cat that I have to take care of is way too annoying, dogs are way to much work, especially the large dogs I like. Need a pet that's cage-able and doesn't mind that I'm gone for over 9 hours a day. That is, once my brother takes his cat back. Damned Siamese. Why must he be so pretty, yet so annoying?