I have been getting rather drowsy at work lately. But it's not really my fault. They're the ones who are keeping me on such a short leash and not letting me have a day off.


But anyway, when I get overly sleepy I have a tried and true wake-my-ass up ritual. We have these huge rolls of plastic sheets we use to cover each...
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I'm trying to figure this out ...

Do I want to be a guy who helps dispel the notion that geeks are fat and unkempt? Or do I want to be ... 500 unkempt, fat geeks?
Soooo yeah, I haven't logged in here in ages. I guess I should more often seeing as how I have to get on the internet in order to find anyone that I can have some kind of honest, non-dumbshit discourse with.

It's kind of frustrating, especially at work. I don't really have anything in common with anyone there. I've kind of been off the side...
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I think that I've learned that my love, friendship or whatever you want to call it has helped someone.

And in doing so, now I have to lose them.

Emo ++ and all that, I know.

Fuck you.

Pumpkin flavored beer! You should try some. It's fucking rad. Yes I just said "rad."

Today I bought TWO pumpkins to carve! I am a goddamn fiend!

This is the best time of year.

Halloween speciasl and horror movies.

Yes, I drank a fair bit tonight (on a tuesday even).

And Alabama and Chloe both have new sets up. This a good day.

A good pumpkin ale is Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale. Dogfish is supposed to have a nice one too, but Shipyard is really good.
that sucks. frown i wish i would have known, i would have gone with you. i got all confused about when it was and shit.
I was confused at first too ... so don't feel bad. There are always other shows/concerts etc going on though, so who knows.
I think I need a new TV. This 20" low def antique just isn't doing it for me anymore.

Not that I watch a whole lot of tv, but I just crave my geeky, niche films and campy horror movies in crisp HD goodness. Having that would be almost on par with owning a golden, time-travelling rhinocerous.

It'll also give me and excuse to go...
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yay! i'll so wear one if you do. biggrin
that would make a great shirt!!!.....lol
So this movie, "Stranger than Fiction" has a very interesting premise.

The thing is, however, is that it's a Will Ferrell movie. And in a Will Ferrell movie, I always wonder under what circumstance he is going to get semi-clothed/naked.

I love that man.
Oh I saw the previwes for that, it looks pretty good. Hi new friend!
Thanks new friend. You're swell. Yep I said swell!
What is it about old, derelict buildings?

My morning commute to work every day takes me through the forgotten, decayed parts of downtown Canton. I have to get up at an unholy hour every day, and the streets are almost totally deserted, no cars - no humans, for the entire trip.

And every day I will notice these old buildings standing there in the dark....
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happy birthday!
totally random... but you're wearing "she doesn't even know" and that makes me happy. i have that one too. smile
Two weeks ago it was, "I love you Matt!"

And this week she is getting married to some shithead she has know for all of 6 days.

Can you say, "Kick in the teeth?"

Because I can say, "Kill me now."