sf bike messenger girls
why are you so hot
a u lock in your pocket
so fast you wont get caught
your bike oh so sleek
your zo bag oh so frayed
you look so mean
what do i have to do to get laid
i like your vegan tattoo
you dont eat cheese
im vegan too
doesnt that fixie hurt your knees
thats right im a poser
havent rode a bike in days
but i still love you
let me count the ways
one for your clip shoes
that clack on the floor
two for your huge thighs
that make me beg for more
three for the u lock
that threatens to smash
the windshield of
financial district yuppie with lots of cash
four for the way
you never notice me
cause im just a ped
something to avoid at high speed
so today is the day
i proclaim my love
for a girl who just dodged
the 3rd st bus.
sf bike messenger girls
why are you so hot
a u lock in your pocket
so fast you wont get caught
your bike oh so sleek
your zo bag oh so frayed
you look so mean
what do i have to do to get laid
i like your vegan tattoo
you dont eat cheese
im vegan too
doesnt that fixie hurt your knees
thats right im a poser
havent rode a bike in days
but i still love you
let me count the ways
one for your clip shoes
that clack on the floor
two for your huge thighs
that make me beg for more
three for the u lock
that threatens to smash
the windshield of
financial district yuppie with lots of cash
four for the way
you never notice me
cause im just a ped
something to avoid at high speed
so today is the day
i proclaim my love
for a girl who just dodged
the 3rd st bus.
excellent. i'm touched.