...so. How's things going? I think I'm okay. I'll take some more time to think of a pleasant answer. I am not the person I was not so long ago. Due to choices and decisions I have become something possibley a bit more material something you can put your hands on and describe, yet at the same time, I am nothing... I feel indescribable, and I am at a complete loss of what to do anymore. I'm very tired. I have these breaks every once in a while and I feel great. Then I go back to my daily life and everything's shit. I allow, it seems, to become overwhelmed by the simple fact that I have to conform in some way and be successful. GODDAMN it, I don't want to be successful. Fuck it, fuck everything... Fuck this town, the state, really the world in general.
On a lighter note, I took my mother out to lunch. It was kind of an early mother's day thing, cause I knew I had money. She really enjoyed it I guess.
On a lighter note, I took my mother out to lunch. It was kind of an early mother's day thing, cause I knew I had money. She really enjoyed it I guess.
I'm ok my neck still hurts bad. That's cute you took your mom out