How you doin'? Good? ...Great! Boy have I got so much fun for you today kiddos!
Wheee! Are you stoked!? Cause I sure as fuck am! Waaahoooo!
Today I'm going to teach you how to slice your wrists properly to increase the success rate of your suicide attempts! That's right! Today's your lucky day, hehe!
We're going to have soooo much fun! ^.^ But first check out all these nifty pictures! They're not exactly accurate because your pal is in what we call "transition mode". It's where he's in between job, home, and is more or less on his ass until he can find the key to his old car or get it towed, pay off all his fines, then get enough money to get him to San Diego! Hehe, sounds like a lot of fun, huh? Well, that's great, cause that's the kind of super stuff you have to look forward to when YOU grow up! Yay!
Send me your letters kids! I want to hear your fun and exciting life stories too!
Don't let the doldrums get your down! We're all in it together right? Fuck yea! That's the spirit!
How you doin'? Good? ...Great! Boy have I got so much fun for you today kiddos!
Wheee! Are you stoked!? Cause I sure as fuck am! Waaahoooo!
Today I'm going to teach you how to slice your wrists properly to increase the success rate of your suicide attempts! That's right! Today's your lucky day, hehe!
We're going to have soooo much fun! ^.^ But first check out all these nifty pictures! They're not exactly accurate because your pal is in what we call "transition mode". It's where he's in between job, home, and is more or less on his ass until he can find the key to his old car or get it towed, pay off all his fines, then get enough money to get him to San Diego! Hehe, sounds like a lot of fun, huh? Well, that's great, cause that's the kind of super stuff you have to look forward to when YOU grow up! Yay!

Send me your letters kids! I want to hear your fun and exciting life stories too!
Don't let the doldrums get your down! We're all in it together right? Fuck yea! That's the spirit!
anyway i love the cake picture ...cake is neat and yummy and the remote control in the pic it's the perfect simbolism to say "i'm in transition mode" hehe
anyway i hope you success on getting enough money to get to san diego.
and now well i don't really have a exciting life story, but i finnished writting my novel and i'm starting to write a kinda second part