Well It looks like I got my old job back. Goddamn fucking shit call center National Electronics Warranty (NEW).
Oh well. I start 13JAN. I may be getting an apartment with my gay friend Kyle >.< I really just sort of met him. Neat guy.
The girl of my dreams is slowing slipping through my fingers. I'm a fucking idiot. Piss.
I vow to no longer have any personal hopes or desires. My life shall function only as a crutch for those in need or in want. Heaven forfuckingbid I try and achieve something to make my own life a little better. Fuck it. No sense in doing anything else. I'm only fooling myself. To think that people like me were meant to have it any better.
Actors, Rockstars, Rich kids, all were dropped into their lifestyle with nowhere to go but up up up! The world is given them on a silver platter. And then many lovely people with such wonderful talent are thrown to the dogs just because they got the shit end of the stick. Forced to be raised in a home with a negative outlook on being great or becoming something in the world. Raised with no money to back their every dream.
Fuck Hollywood, fuck the media, fuck society.
Stephen Seagal can't act worth a shit. And Ted Turner is just a wrinkled bitch with a crop of shit piece of land in my own backyard. Bah!
Why the hell do all these richies come to Montana... but I can't get the hell out of it!?!? Who in their right mind would stay here!? Fuck!
Thank you, you're the firt person not to call my tattoo a dragon.
Alice rocks my world.