Mood: ‘Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?’ By Bryan Adams
What Is This?
The ever-curious @dicentra posted a blog wherein she queried many of us on why we are here at Suicide Girls, asking us to answer them all in a blog, and as you are now (presumably) reading this, I have done so, and happily. As with any who travel the Path of Life with open eyes and a willingness to learn, there are deeper reasons that brought me here, which I will attempt to clarify after..
…The Questions
1. What made you want to join SG?
If I remember correctly, at the time I was finding joy seeing the modeling and body of Katopunk, who no longer seems to be here, but she has, as it were, made it big with her own site and merch and all.
But the underlying ‘thing’ was certainly the body art. Tattoos fascinate me, especially to stories they tell, and there have been a few models to share their stories, @libris, @zarawolf and @starry among them.
2. How much do you use the website in your day to day life?
Honestly, I check in at least once a day, though my weekends are when I engage the most, enjoying pictures and various blogs, writing the occasional blog, myself.
3. How much does SG mean to you?
Difficult to say. It adds some need spice to my life, but if it was to go, I could easily go on without really missing it. The few models I have connected with outside of SG are enough.
4. How can you be more involved in the community?
Well, I won’t be becoming a model, that is for certain! 😁 The only thing that comes to mind is either engaging more on blogs or writing more blogs. Maybe I could learn to use a camera and shoot models…🤔
5. What would you like to see change?
I really cannot think of anything, though I am sure there are things that could be changed. I guess that’s an indication of how little time I really do spend here…
6. What are the things that make you want to stay?
This is easy and simple: the community, the people I have met and engaged with. it is likely this that makes me check in every day to see if people like @fredhincanada has posted a blog, or is my friend @starry streaming and so on.
7. What content would you want to see more of?
Truly, I’d love to see a section of models profiles that list their tattoos and the reasons/stories behind them. That could have gone in the ‘what would I like to see change’ question, but it doesn’t seem to me as if that’s what that question was for.
8. How likely are you to come back once your subscription runs out? (For people who do pay, obviously.)
I am pretty sure I’d eventually come back. So far, those times my bank account was too low to afford the renewal, as soon as the was funds available I’ve paid right away.
So, a little background to the Bradmax: I just haven’t really been lucky at love and have never been able to understand why. When I am in love, I am all in! To begin with, I came to understand this was somewhat stifling for my partner, so I learned to back off some. After the first love, the next three were disastrous for me and my heart. All utterly blindsided me, too. Together, we established, so I thought, open communication so nothing that irritated us was left to fester. I figured that what I needed for a relationship to work would also be what my partner would want, and questioning this would always get agreement and approval that it would be best, both on the same relationship page, if you will.
The first two determined that cheating on me would be the best course of action before letting me know something was wrong. The third also cheated, but I was to find out she did so before we moved in together (the first and only time this would happen) and it was with the friend she had help us move in with, and she was moving to Texas with the month after we moved in and discussed possibly marrying when she got back from her Summer job in the Interior of Alaska…
So you can imagine what that put me off relationships. To date.
I won’t even go into my extreme distrust that will be a difficult wall to get over for another possible relationship and how it would very likely end a relationship before it could become truly intimate…
Still, being a rather high libido man, an outlet or three were needed and SG happened to be one of those. I did not realize how much more it would become, though, not really imagining the deeper connection that could be made with a few of the models. Of course, the full understanding that real physical meetings were highly unlikely made the illusion easier to ‘trust’. Who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be a kind of ‘trust therapy’ should I be interested in another relationship…