Mood: ‘Design For Life’, Manic Street Preachers
It’s Time…
I really have never seen the New Year as a ‘new beginning, at least since I lost my Uncle at the beginning of the year when I was 19. It’s like getting drunk to ‘forget’ only for the ‘memory’ to still be there after you’re done feeling like you should have died from the hangover. With my birthday just a week in to the New year, the older I get, just hitting 60 this year, the less anything seems like a ‘new start’; no, I am more amazed at how fast time seems to have gone.
As far as ‘it moves to fast, where has the time gone’ regrets, I really only have one, and that is that I didn’t understand that I could write a book! With so many ideas for books percolating in my brain, being past what is considered Middle Age is a small concern that they won’t all get out! Still, that will not keep from writing. I am beginning the writing on my second book, a sequel to my first.
The things that are ‘new’ this year are health up-keeps, or at least getting many of them done at the start of the year rather than over the course of the year, chief amongst which is hopefully, finally, getting my knee replacement surgery done by the end of February, depending on the Doc’s schedule.
Depending on a few factors, I hope to be able to return to Alaska and finally retrieve the last of my belongings that still reside in storage ‘up there’. With a little more luck, I’ll be able to bring a friend or two along.
That One Major ‘New’ Thing…
Later this month, I will be getting a generic run of my first book printed that will be sent out to friends who have agreed to help with the editing/proof-reading of it. This means that, hopefully, the book will be done and ready for a final print by mid-summer or early fall. That is exciting to me!!!