Mood: ‘My Beauty’, Beauty Freak
(One last time, with thanks to @fredhincanada for the questions)
7. What is one of your favorite simple meals from your childhood that you still love today?
This is and exceedingly easy one to answer, as this was a meal from my youth that Mom used to make, one that I forgot about for some 20 years and after making it again to make sure it was the goodness I remembered, I have been making it from time to time ever since…
Corn and Beef Casserole (as I’ve known it named for almost 55 years)
Start with at least a pond of ground beef, more if you prefer. Cook until no pink remains.
Add one chopped onion and a can or more of corn and cook perhaps another 5 minutes.
While this is cooking, or even before-hand, boil water for elbow noodles. Cook them and save to the end.
Salt and pepper the meat to taste.
Add one can of Cream of Mushroom Soup and one can of Cream of Chicken soup and mix well.
Add 2 cups (or more if preferred) of sour cream and mix well.
Add the noodles and mix thoroughly.
Though I always stop here, it was originally a casserole recipe (hence the name) so it should go into a casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
It is a filling, stick-to-the-ribs (is that even a saying these days?) kind of meal, and as it has remained a meal that has been with me for as long a I can, or did, remember, you may get a sense of its favoritism with me.