Mood: ‘Give A little Bit’, by Supertramp
Life Has Been A Bit Crazy
Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been around or even posted anything to any thread or photo set, let alone a blog. Nothing terrrible or out of the ordinary has kept me away, just the inevitable busy-ness of Life and setting priorities.
There have just bee too many other IRL things that have taken my attention, and I think that is a good thing. Myself, I tend to eventually chafe at the Same Ol’ Same Ol’, though there is a lot for that with a regular 40-hour/week job and doing the same thing day by day, even as I enjoy the job. Sometimes, even the same weekend schedule takes on that Same Ol’ Same Ol’ feel.
So, to the point; there has been a great push to finish and revise my book the last few months. My DVR has been almost full two times and I have simply erased a lot of stuff. I have not watched many movies, out or at home. If anything else was done, that has been reading, and even that has been much less than usual.
Great progress has been made, though…
There are yet bits and pieces that need to be added during what I hope is the final revision before printing copies to send to those who have agreed to read and critique. That requires $$, of course and this inglorious economy for us peons may mean a month or two delay for that part to materialize.
Keep Dreaming
I have been happy to see that dreams are still being followed here by some of my favorite SGers, most notably @starry and @zarawolf. I admire both of these women, not only because of their Beauty, but because of their Creative minds and intelligence. For me, all three make an undeniable desirability that even if there is ‘only’ Beauty it is still less than if the other two are also present.
My own dreams, other than the book, are also taking shape in a few other areas. I am looking into several day/weekend trips around the vicinity to indulge in my penchant for history, looking into lesser known historical sites up and down the East Coast of the US, where the genesis of the country took shape.
A dream in that it will help my physical health, I hope to have me knee replacement surgery this November or December and just get it finally done. Besides, it will help with the walking that will need to be done on those history trips!
I dream of a trip to Richmond, Virginia at the end of October to celebrate Hallowe’en in Edgar Allan Poe style with one of my best friends and best people on this planet.
Although in fits and bits, I have begun the research with just a little more vigor into the sequel book and jotting down notes and the start of the outline…
That’s The Story…
…so far, anyway. I am still alive and kicking, if maybe not as high as I once could. But I am still Out Here and sill Moving Ahead.
Be well, all who read this, and keep on going after that, or those, dreams!