Mood: ‘Lullaby’ by Lorena McKennit
Words Are Fun(ny) Things
Sometimes, it seems to me in this first attempt at writing a book, there are too damn many thoughts. Not really a bad thing for a writer’s mind, of course, but as I pass the almost 420 page mark with possibly 80 more to come(?) my mind raced far ahead and I had to stop and begin writing notes for the sequel!! Mind you, I am having fun with the present story, even as I have found it a little difficult to wrote, or at least plot the next step for the next step, if that makes sense. Still, when I finally figure it out, it seems the perfect segue to connect the parts that need connecting. There are more fun adventures to come in this present volume and I want to get to them!
There are also the two present zombie stories floating around SG by @fredhincanada that I hope to join in again. I suppose it’s better to have too much to want to write than nothing at all, but with the limited time I already have and a more or less set deadline to finish my first book…🤷♂️
I have given myself a deadline to finish the first draft of the thing by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. Revisions would then begin next year, as I do an annual reading a the Sherlock Holmes Canon and pastiches from Thanksgiving through January. There may be some writing/revision during that time, but the bulk of free time will be given over to reading.
Here is a quick update shot:
This is just a quick update, even as it is the second one of the weekend. Peace be unto you all!