Mood: ‘These Are The Days’, 10,000 Maniacs
Is It Your Special Day?
Every Month has it’s ‘special days’, days that are not acknowledged holidays, days for the enjoyment of pizza, of donuts, of ice cream, of flowers, of knitting, of dogs, of cats, of pets and so on. For some obscure reason, I just noticed them more this month, or so far, anyway. Two of them, in particular, are meaningful to me personally, so maybe that’s why I noticed the ‘special days’ of this month. Here are a few others, as well…
Okay, this is a Holiday, but this year it was a good one, mostly because of the extra day off work, but also because I got some good writing in, too!
Well, I don’t spend every day writing…
This is the day that the Original Series of the show premiered in 1966. My parents have told the story that they had all of us kids in front of the TV for it, as they were excited that it sounded as if it was going to be good. I was 1 year old at the time and of course remember nothing of it, but I have been a dyed-in-the-wool Trekkie for as long as I can remember. We were living in the Chicago area in 1973 and attended the first convention that the entire bridge crew actors attended. The main things I remember about it was Shatner wearing what appeared to be a knitted pale orange sort of jumpsuit, and that there was a room that showed the episodes all day, every day of the convention. On film!
I have been saddened at the downfall of the franchise over the last few years. The last few Kelvin universe movies were disappointing but okay; the first season and a half of ‘Discovery’ were alright. Everything else since has seemed to be healed by people who have no idea what Star Trek is about. There was hope for Strange New Worlds, but this last season was trash, for the most part, maybe 4 of the episodes were really good. Lower Decks would best be used to fertilize all the food-growing fields of the world. They are so bad I cannot even watch them for the only good thing about them: the Easter eggs from all over the franchise. But even that doesn’t outweigh the utter inanity of the animated series.
It is unfortunate that many people completely forget about this tragic day. I do not believe the utter sheep who suggest that 1/6 came close or was worse.
This day, some 20 years ago, will remain a favorite memory for me. That year, my family took their first Disney Cruise together. Traversing the Caribbean, my brother Doug and I, at his revelation that ‘International Talk Like A Pirate Day’ would happen while we were on the cruise, got ourselves pirate kits; y’know, eyepatches and fave ear rings and such. That day, that’s all we did on board, of course. As we were heading to dinner, I think, that day, we were asked by the Cruise Director what we were up to and we had the conversation about the international day it was. Now, this was just before the movie series had begun. It may have even come out later that year. At any rate, the cruise eventually needed, we all went our ways to our places of living. Two years later, the same month and time of calendar, we went again, but this time Doug couldn’t join us.
Lo, and behold, that day included on the shipboard activities broadsheet, what was included? Yep; International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Yeah, the movie was out then, but we still feel that we were kinda responsible for that becoming part of the cruise at that time. No, not the eventual big ‘Pirates In The Caribbean’ shindig that happens on every Caribbean cruise, but that ‘International Talk Like A Pirate Day’ is acknowledged on board.
The reason this remains a kind of legend in the family was strengthened when my brother Doug was taken from us several year ago, a victim of cancer.
Didn’t know until this year there was such a thing, but why not be grateful? Like: everyday?
The Northern Hemisphere has entered into Fall today, the day of this writing. The Southern Hemisphere has entered Spring. Most of the inhabited areas of the world are experiencing roughly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Soon, Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving and Christmas will come and go and 2024 will be knocking on the ‘door’.
….and the days will keep cycling through the months of the year, bringing us around to this day, once again.