Mood: ‘Serenity’ by Brand X Music
The Return of the Bradimus
I. A Place on Which Time Makes Strong the Impression of Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
A Saturday afternoon in September was approaching the time of arrival, and the vast tract of unenclosed wild known as Alaska enwintered itself moment by moment. Overhead the hollow stretch of whitish cloud shutting out the sky was as a tent which had the whole tundra for its floor.
The heaven being spread with this pallid screen and the earth with the autumnal vegetation, their meeting-line at the horizon was broken by the majestic thrust of the mountains. In such contrast the tundra wore the appearance of an instalment of night which had begun to increasingly take up its place before its usual astronomical hour was come: darkness had to a great extent arrived hereon, while day stood distinct in the sky.
The Start of a New Bradimus Adventure
Had to make that ol’ ‘executive decision’ and purchase my tickets to return to Alaska and arrange for the shipping of my remaining items in storage to my present home.
Well, let’s face it; I want my books!!
There are many other items it is just simply time to have done with monthly storage fees and have finally returned to me.
This last week saw many 5 year anniversaries, piling on top of the one earlier in the month of leaving Alaska. Those of moving into my first North Carolina residence and of joining one of the greatest groups of people I have ever worked with.
But now come the the Return! So many things to do, people to see and places to eat at/visit. It will require several surprise visits, carefully and artfully planned so that I can find strong backs to help me with my storage units (more of which later). This has worked out very well, at least in the planning, in that I will visit friends that are most likely to help or get help with this, followed by a surprise visit to a meeting of my old RenFaire group that I have tasked a couple whose wedding I officiated to execute the day after I arrive! It. Will. Be. EPIC!!
Or so I hope!
So, on to the help I will require with my storage units: as Fate would have it, when that large earthquake hit Alaska a few years ago, it affected my units. Presumably nothing too terrible, but the undulating waves of the quake were parallel to my units, causing the items to lean against the doors, allowing them to lift only a foot and a half or so. Hence the need for as many people as I can gather to help figure out this issue.
I remain thankful that I have such friends in Alaska that will not only afford and amazing reunion (or two!) but will help or find help for me. It’s a gamble to not inform them ahead of time, but like my fictional hero Sherlock Holmes, I cannot resist a touch of the dramatic!
I cannot wait (but will) to see the so-familiar Anchorage skyline…
…and that of the Matanuska Valley where I lived the last 10 years of my Alaska life…
If I am fortunate, I will get to see the Aurora Borealis, aka the Northern Lights. As of September 21st, Alaska will have 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark; every day thereafter, the night becomes longer and longer until there are perhaps 5 hours from Dawn to Dusk. So, as I mention, if I am fortunate, I may get to see those supernal lights dance across the Alaskan night…
Things are so busy here, I didn’t include information that will explain why I am so busy.
I purchased my tickets on Friday the 15th of this month. I fly out on Saturday the 24th and return October 2nd. Got to packing what I could, have all the usual weekend stuff to do, including cooking up a storm so the parents do not go without easy-to-heat-and-serve meals for when I am gone. I also realized I will be behind on Hallowe’en decorating when I return, so I started decorating this weekend, as well. That is REQUIRED for October in this domicile!
So, back to it!
Be well!