Mood: Etta James
Took me a while to decide to blog here. I do not blog anywhere else, have never really thought to do so, or at least since I quit the cesspool that is Facebook. There were some longer posts there that could be considered ‘blogs’, I suppose. Any such posts never really got many ‘likes’, but I never posted for them; I posted what I liked, what gave me joy or peace of mind, even. Here, of course, I originally joined because I am a red-blooded straight male who enjoys the female form in it’s many varied dimensions and am fascinated by the stories behind tattoos, when offered. I moved from Alaska to North Carolina about 4 years ago, to be closer to family. Since that move, there have been no relationships in the offing, getting established and a home and so forth taking up time for one, and then the Virus of the last two years kept me from any such dating (there are trust issues from two or three previous relationships that factor in; maybe one day there will be a blog about that, but likely not) for fear of bring it to elderly parents (silly,maybe, but as I say: already trust issues as it was). This is all a long way to say that seeing gorgeous and tattooed women was a logical move, so I found SG.
How does this related to blogging here? I read. A lot. Besides my love of the written word (the ‘Problem’ of the title to be addressed soon!) and after cleaning the steam from my eyewear from the many outstanding women in the sets here, I discovered the ‘blogs’ button! For me, there is nothing more sexy and enticing than a gorgeous AND intelligent woman, and those blogs I rea showed there were some wonderfully thinking, intelligent women about. It has been a few years of reading here or there, and there are only a few who stand out in their responses and such. That, I should say, is perfectly fine, I never expect a response, as I never expected ‘likes’. If one chooses to respond, great! If they don’t, no problem. Life continues. All that written, there is one who deserves thanks for the impetus for this blog. She may yet get recognition here, but as I have not asked…
So, here I go, a-blogging!
It’s An Addiction, But Not A Bad One, As Far As It Goes!
If you have gotten this far, you have read that I love to read. I have some twelve boxes of books in storage still in Alaska (it is pretty damned expensive to ship from there, and now that gas is rising again…) and I took but one tote of books to drive to North Carolina with, mostly series I had begun and ones I set up to begin. But here’s the thing: an adjunct of reading is the love of bookstores, new and used, and a month without at least one book purchased (HA!) is not a month well-lived! That one tote of books was maybe 30 books, half hardback, half larger softback. Now, There was not as much book buying the first year after The Move, as I was in a smallish apartment and space was a concern. Since buying a house (and still hoping to get my nice and large and lovely bookcases shipped down to me, mind), I have amassed, well, perhaps it is best I show you:
I do not have a count, but that is not even all of them. There are the bedside books:
and the next stack of bedside books after those are read:
As you might guess, it is imperative that I keep my eyesight!😁
Over the many years, I have enjoyed reading one of my favorite literary characters, Sherlock Holmes. There are only so many time one can read the original Canon before, as enjoyable as those original stories are, they become boring. Fortunately, there have been many authors who have turned their talents to writing new adventures of Holmes and Watson, including scholarly works that look into particular aspects of Holmes, Watson and other subjects dealing with the original stories. I have many of those, as well. Yeah, I have even more in storage in Alaska… The ones I have acquired since The Move were in the ‘bookcase’ photos, but I have better views of those. First, the ones I have read:
and now the ones I have yet to read:
Thankfully, it is a well-known fact that you cannot pass this mortal coil until you have read all your books, so it looks like I am in for the Long Haul!
There was a drastic lull in book buying during the first year and a half of the pandemic, other than Amazon, of course, but that left out the used bookstores. To paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm, books find a way! The world of online used bookstores opened up to me with the could parting to blinding light and an angelic chorus! Now, not a fortnight (two weeks for those who are thinking of the game) goes by without at least two books from online sellers come to my door and a loving place on the shelves.
I have a problem. There never seems to be enough books or enough time to read them! I will happily admit that they are problems I am enjoying finding the solution to!