uh oh...
i am about to break.
i need to help myself get back on track...
i have always thought i needed love....but i dont...
i just want it so badly...
but get over it baby boy
i am about to break.
i need to help myself get back on track...
i have always thought i needed love....but i dont...
i just want it so badly...
but get over it baby boy
even think crying with people is fun too...
stay at bay self pity..
stay at bay you dumb mother fucker...
i am talented, handsome(when not crying), and have a big heart...that i tend to use in all the wrong places...
why am i so dark?
i was such a spunky kid...
cliche, escaping through drugs and alcohol....
i cant stop crying...i think i really do need someone to personally help me through this...
but i dont know who to ask...everyone around likes to get fucked up or will think...fuck...
i might never change
maybe i should just stop caring...
let the bow break...
go through more shit...
then come out the other end...
how dissapointing