ever since she has been gaining weight....i have kinda been digging her...
im going to make wheat pastings of her....with her pregnant tits....haha...

when i bleached and dyed my pubes red....i was showing them off...bitches wore jealousz...

beer belly sex dance

my familyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

wtf? classic american misognessbutlickingness

i always see deer here in austin...but not this big...perdy deer

baby red pandaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i was kim kardasian, i would totes buy one


more wheat paste to come!!
lost my cell phone last night....think it was during a high kick competition
im fucking up one of my courses, that i should be wrapping up....cause i am almost done with this college shit...
fuck fuck !
but yeah....totes sucks...totes...tots.....pitter pot
i have been smoking too much pitter pot....
i like it because it gives me a wild drive to detach myself with my art, so i escape further into the realm of my 'creativity'.......did that make sense??
escape is a great word....
i think i am going to listen to my sunny day real estate records and cut myself....

i keed....
art art fart!
-darm darm
Hope you won the high kick at least...