this is horrible...
and confusing....
to tell you the truth, i cant believe i watched the whole thing.....
so i have been talking to my friend about 30 rock, and how the 3rd season seems a little weak. All the big name cameos kind of spoil it...
anyways, i watched the latest episode...and i quite enjoyed hope it keeps on track....
but i was drunk and full of a potato and egg omlet....drinking a mocha latte from a diner we picked up around my we could have been a little influenced by all the intake we had had that night.....we as in me and my friend becky....shes cool, she just moved here from indiana...
and she didnt know what a cholo that a common uncommon word in the east?
that and she had never heard of fried pickles
so i introduced her to fried pickles

you get some ranch tossed up in there, and baby, you got yo self a party....
but yeah....we were talking about the bloomington scene, and how folk punk is really big there...and that jajagwar and secretly canadian were started up there and have since then moved around???
i dont know...i always thought they were both canadian labels.....
i love canada...
i miss montreal, even though i was only there for a week this year....
i think i am going to eventually move there....
sounds like the perfect place...
maybe i can find a graduate program....
speaking of shitty school
i have finals this week.....FUCK
i have to study hard tonight for a modern art history final tomorrow....
which will be fun....i am just cramming it all in at the last second
typical me, typical man....
tip tip tip....
dude, i have barely gotten out of bed...
i just dragged my blanket from my bed to my computer chair...and i have been sitting here for like 2 hrs now...
i hope diego doesnt walk in, or he will get a bundled up naked suprise!
i found my old VHS collection last night...
and in it was this tape of old ealy 90's MTV footage i use to record for myself...
and me diego and emily watched an old cranberries documentary, or excuse me, rockumentary....
mtv....oh how i miss the olden golden days of the past....
after that, i went over to my friend lindseys....where we jammed and jammed...
she got a bunch of musicians together and we punched some shit out!
math rock man...noise....creshendo's (spelling?) i had a blast...
but i smoked weed last night...which i promised i was going to try to quit...
but i say that allllllll the time... as long as i try to keep that mind set, i wont smoke as often or excessively
excess consumption can suck a duck!!!
im not afraid anymore!
i think i am going to roll a cigarette, poop, put some clothes on, let my dog out, make some coffee, and start studying....
but before i leave,
i will leave you with my list of recent purchases....

viva record shopping for life!
and confusing....
to tell you the truth, i cant believe i watched the whole thing.....
so i have been talking to my friend about 30 rock, and how the 3rd season seems a little weak. All the big name cameos kind of spoil it...

but i was drunk and full of a potato and egg omlet....drinking a mocha latte from a diner we picked up around my we could have been a little influenced by all the intake we had had that night.....we as in me and my friend becky....shes cool, she just moved here from indiana...
and she didnt know what a cholo that a common uncommon word in the east?

that and she had never heard of fried pickles
so i introduced her to fried pickles

you get some ranch tossed up in there, and baby, you got yo self a party....
but yeah....we were talking about the bloomington scene, and how folk punk is really big there...and that jajagwar and secretly canadian were started up there and have since then moved around???
i dont know...i always thought they were both canadian labels.....
i love canada...
i miss montreal, even though i was only there for a week this year....
i think i am going to eventually move there....
sounds like the perfect place...
maybe i can find a graduate program....
speaking of shitty school
i have finals this week.....FUCK
i have to study hard tonight for a modern art history final tomorrow....
which will be fun....i am just cramming it all in at the last second
typical me, typical man....
tip tip tip....
dude, i have barely gotten out of bed...
i just dragged my blanket from my bed to my computer chair...and i have been sitting here for like 2 hrs now...
i hope diego doesnt walk in, or he will get a bundled up naked suprise!
i found my old VHS collection last night...
and in it was this tape of old ealy 90's MTV footage i use to record for myself...
and me diego and emily watched an old cranberries documentary, or excuse me, rockumentary....
mtv....oh how i miss the olden golden days of the past....
after that, i went over to my friend lindseys....where we jammed and jammed...
she got a bunch of musicians together and we punched some shit out!
math rock man...noise....creshendo's (spelling?) i had a blast...
but i smoked weed last night...which i promised i was going to try to quit...
but i say that allllllll the time... as long as i try to keep that mind set, i wont smoke as often or excessively
excess consumption can suck a duck!!!

i think i am going to roll a cigarette, poop, put some clothes on, let my dog out, make some coffee, and start studying....
but before i leave,
i will leave you with my list of recent purchases....

viva record shopping for life!

I heart fried pickles.
fried pickles = disgusting
moving to montreal = yay
ill help you find a school
cramming is the only way to go. how the hell are you supposed to remember material that you studied a week ago? it just doesnt make sense.
i hate cameos. they ruin everything.
i found all my vhs too! but my vhs player has been thrown out
how was the poop?