you were a witch
you were a witch
you were a witch with your short hair.....
chicago was DUH BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as expected
picture posting time!!!!!!!!! yay!
walking the streets, riding the streets, walking on rooftops, playing shows in the middle of the road, watching sunsets from the train, drinkin at al capone's old bar, eating horrible awesome street food, hanging out with good hearted people....
bill and mike!
mike and bill on music crack! yay!
this guy was sweet, i called him nolan ryan! because his name was ryan, and i needed a way to remember it better......bad picture, but ehh, i caught him off guard.......munchin on a burger....
really smart and well rounded person
beaches in chicago!!!! who would have thunk it!!
that is carmen and mike up there...
and then you get a shot of me in my gay cut can see mah belly roll
.....and i had to snap that last shot of that asian dude in hiked up real!!!
seriously, after a hot bike ride all day, this beach came in handy
my friend mike invited me to play a show with him at some coffee shop/billards bar...
everyone loved my set, i was so happy they even shaked my hand after i was done, personally thanking me...twas cool...then mikes band thin hymns asked me to fill in for their percussionist who was absent...and we is really minimal based music, and i like it...
then in the middle of the set, mike was like..."lets all go outside in the middle of the street, everyone feel free to grab and instrument and come along" so we sat in the medium of the street and finished out the set...
it was harmonious and beautiful....
the dude playing after us, who actually worked at the coffee shop, was all pissed at us...
that lil bitch man!
all "butt hurt" about us stealing the thunder!
that flyer is of his band when they played with cryptacize....
which is an amazing band off of asthmatic kitty records...
check um out yo: cryptacize
so chicaca was the bomb as i mentioned earlier....
but i am glad to be back in notch of a slower pace if you ask me...
you know what i hate...
all the trendies at the dance clubs...
i know them, they know me, but they act like bitches towards me sometimes...
sorry i am not a bulemic priss who doesnt follow a certain wave to the T.....
i like dancing too fuckers!!
sorry...i went to a party last night, and everyone was a dick...
maybe it was me....
so then i went to my local bar mugshots and complained to the door dude gabe...who is always awesome...
and ge gave me a bite of his kebab... which was sweet...
then i went to danny/ralph/abel's
and got super drunk, where me and diego decided to duct tape our friend together...
i duct taped ralphs wallet to his leg, and his keys to his crotch, and i was going to do a whole lot more, but he woke up...
so now i am back home...
and i just shaved mah beard....and for my nether region
since i havent had time to re-dye, my pubes have faded to pink/yellow...
which i think is kinda cool...but i am going to dye them one more time...
and to lyxzen, i hope you do dye your pubes, it was paprika who inspired me...
dyed pube revolution!!!
i think eveyone needs to start it up...
remember it is up to you!!!
cant wait for the fall....
i cant wait to put my life in a little bit more order...
i like this picture
bitch! im gonna kill ya with a palm tree!
kids dont fuck with me, nah uh...never...they recognize....
i will leave you with more pictures i just took
oh and just so you can see a change, here is a before pick:
plus in the fall i am going to start working out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aerobics and weight lifting...
weird combo...but damn, i bet i might look a little sexier...haha
im a fucking tard....
till then, i am going to go get a very unhealthy one of these: getting horny..
i was recently recommended some bands and albums, here is the list i got:
godspeed you black emporer- lift your skinny fist like antennae to heaven
dirty projectors- getty address & slaves, graves, and ballads*
sen di na
paper mice *
the index
this heat
suicide (1st album)
sound dimension
stark reality
throbbing gristle
can- tago mago
moder lovers
rhys chatham-two gongs
now go out and listen!!!!
"give me some of your taco flavored kissies" i think that is the hottest thing anyone has ever said!!! haha
im LOVING the new do!!! it is sooo 2009!!
#2- hhahahaha my mom totally says " 24/7" to try and be "hip" haha
#3- what the fuck.... cilantro jalepeno bacon pizza?!? ive never heard of such wonders... i bet it was good!
#4- you make me laugh.
what are you painting!?