sometimes me can be a bad boy...
sometimes me can rock the shit out of a photobooth:
whu whu!!!
whu whu in tha butt!!!!
damn those boots are hot....
photobooth plus alchyness...makes the bestest of the bestest times!!!!!
that night i was trying to be the modern urban bowboy...
then after it ended...i realized why i dont wear boots...
cause they fucking hurt your feet!
da dang!
fo realss....
but anyways....
my friends, who are two lovely sisters, named lisa and ani introduced me to a sweat deal yesterday...
they introduced me to an austinite artist who was moving to kerville (right next to kinky friedman) and he had a bunch of shit he need to get rid, which include an old machine from the 70's called an art-o-graph
real genius name? ay?
it was the 70s..
so i give it to them...
but, it is like 500 lbs
and 8 ft tall
and said he originally paid $1000 for it
and told him i would pay a 100 for it.........and i got it!!!!
yippie skippy!!
it was a bitch to move
and i told my friends i would pay them with beer if they helped me set it up at my house
(i also bought them pizza that had cilantro, jalepenos, and bacon, it was the mack daddy)
so we did...
and check it out's so cool guys..
it projects images on the ground..
you just tack a picture with thumb tacks to the inside of it
and it gives an awesome color projection
looks science fiction and shit
i love not smoking weed...
the only way i will smoke weed...
is on a blue moon ...and if a really beautiful stoner chick has to convince me
man, i am a tardo....=)
to end my blog...
i will leave you with some pictures i just took right now inside my house
dudie is in upside down!!!!!!!
my dad when he was a beh beh!! =)
me looking like a but rocker!
those boxers are giving me a major wedgie..
and dude is like, "what the fuck dad?"
and im like "fuck yeah mutha fucka!"
to all my friends
ps. mauri i am going to your show, because i have never seen yoshimoto
sometimes me can rock the shit out of a photobooth:
whu whu!!!
whu whu in tha butt!!!!

damn those boots are hot....
photobooth plus alchyness...makes the bestest of the bestest times!!!!!
that night i was trying to be the modern urban bowboy...
then after it ended...i realized why i dont wear boots...
cause they fucking hurt your feet!
da dang!
fo realss....
but anyways....
my friends, who are two lovely sisters, named lisa and ani introduced me to a sweat deal yesterday...
they introduced me to an austinite artist who was moving to kerville (right next to kinky friedman) and he had a bunch of shit he need to get rid, which include an old machine from the 70's called an art-o-graph
real genius name? ay?
it was the 70s..
so i give it to them...
but, it is like 500 lbs
and 8 ft tall
and said he originally paid $1000 for it
and told him i would pay a 100 for it.........and i got it!!!!
yippie skippy!!
it was a bitch to move
and i told my friends i would pay them with beer if they helped me set it up at my house
(i also bought them pizza that had cilantro, jalepenos, and bacon, it was the mack daddy)
so we did...
and check it out's so cool guys..
it projects images on the ground..
you just tack a picture with thumb tacks to the inside of it
and it gives an awesome color projection
looks science fiction and shit
i love not smoking weed...
the only way i will smoke weed...
is on a blue moon ...and if a really beautiful stoner chick has to convince me

man, i am a tardo....=)
to end my blog...
i will leave you with some pictures i just took right now inside my house

dudie is in upside down!!!!!!!

my dad when he was a beh beh!! =)

me looking like a but rocker!
those boxers are giving me a major wedgie..
and dude is like, "what the fuck dad?"
and im like "fuck yeah mutha fucka!"

ps. mauri i am going to your show, because i have never seen yoshimoto
Loove your pics!!