this morning i have done:
called the Austin Visual Arts Association to become a member...hopefully i can have stuff up by next month...
(im already setting up a show with my friend alison in my hometown thats cool, but we are doing it on our own and its both of our first times...)
then i set a grooming apt. for dudey! so he can be nice and clean shaven....
then i drove down the the exotic pet store (listening and remenising TV on the RADIO) to buy some mice for my snake monty...
poor monty(i was about to use dude as a pronoun but thats my doggies name) i put the two live mice in his tank and then, like a clumsy idiot i turn on his heat lamp, cause i think, damn i forgot to turn it on soon as i turned it on, he attacked the lamp...probably hurting his snout nose...whatever a snake has...
score one for the mice....
too bad he killed both of them immediatly...i bet he was pissed....
score on for monty!
now i must read before my classes start...
wish me luck...
for i must graduate soon....
or i will die...................
dun dun dunnnnn
cant wait till the weekend....
buddies coming up....
i hope trev wants to record....fucking trev....
enough said...
called the Austin Visual Arts Association to become a member...hopefully i can have stuff up by next month...
(im already setting up a show with my friend alison in my hometown thats cool, but we are doing it on our own and its both of our first times...)
then i set a grooming apt. for dudey! so he can be nice and clean shaven....
then i drove down the the exotic pet store (listening and remenising TV on the RADIO) to buy some mice for my snake monty...
poor monty(i was about to use dude as a pronoun but thats my doggies name) i put the two live mice in his tank and then, like a clumsy idiot i turn on his heat lamp, cause i think, damn i forgot to turn it on soon as i turned it on, he attacked the lamp...probably hurting his snout nose...whatever a snake has...
score one for the mice....
too bad he killed both of them immediatly...i bet he was pissed....
score on for monty!
now i must read before my classes start...
wish me luck...
for i must graduate soon....
or i will die...................
dun dun dunnnnn
cant wait till the weekend....
buddies coming up....
i hope trev wants to record....fucking trev....
enough said...
where in mc caca are you going to exhibit your stuff??
sounds kinda gay, i dont mean to burst your bubble but sometime during the homosexual rising they decided that they would take the rainbow from us straigh folk! I swears it! tis no lie!! right from under our dicks!! i mean noses....whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???