a wowwie wowie wow wow....and a wah wah wee wah
saw tacks the boy disaster tonight...they give me a midlake radio voice vide-a-ma-jigger.....
great show....cd just came out 2 months ago..
i googled my first and last name under images and this is what i got...
i saw don caballero the other day...i dont know if thats the drummers name or the name of the band...but the drummer is amazing....it was an instore at waterloo records and it was nice
tomarrow is my friend robbies bday and we are going to get drunk and dance....to eighties i think.....
im going get drunk and talk shit and get in a cowboy fight........
i saw this today....the 1st one is better.....
and it has that dumbfuck sargent from police academy in it....
no disassemble! number 5 alive!
i wrote a pretty shitty journal today....depressing and shit....
but life goes on...
man im afraid to go up to chick and talk to them at shows....i dont want to look like a douche....
"hey baby" "you like dragons?"
i just wrote this to get rid of my last journal...
be good bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!
and treat people with respect............word.............
saw tacks the boy disaster tonight...they give me a midlake radio voice vide-a-ma-jigger.....
great show....cd just came out 2 months ago..
i googled my first and last name under images and this is what i got...
i saw don caballero the other day...i dont know if thats the drummers name or the name of the band...but the drummer is amazing....it was an instore at waterloo records and it was nice
tomarrow is my friend robbies bday and we are going to get drunk and dance....to eighties i think.....
im going get drunk and talk shit and get in a cowboy fight........
i saw this today....the 1st one is better.....
and it has that dumbfuck sargent from police academy in it....
no disassemble! number 5 alive!
i wrote a pretty shitty journal today....depressing and shit....
but life goes on...
man im afraid to go up to chick and talk to them at shows....i dont want to look like a douche....
"hey baby" "you like dragons?"
i just wrote this to get rid of my last journal...
be good bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!
and treat people with respect............word.............
dude i bet if you actually use that dragons line it would work...
dude theres nothing wrong with being an emotional depressed alcoholic! im one too! dude read some bukouski..itll make you feel better.
drunken lovce.