in one week i am going to see this man:
and a fuck yes and i am happy........
owen pallett....or final fantasty.....
he toured with arcade fire a while back...(thats how i heard of him)
he is amazing...and his new album is the shit....
it is a lot more orcheastrated(spelling).....
i think he use to share his penis with patrick wolf if you know who that is....
they both are violens....
nancy boys..
i hope trev didnt make that up............
a coupld weeks later..or is it a week?
i am going to a a theatre to see this man:
thisisit will be attending....yet i hear on a seperate date......raises eyebrow...
so i am super happy...
and a day after i see steven or i like to call him...
okkervil riviero is playing music time music time...
i was lined up to play a show with they mean us with cajah, thisisit, yet...jesse wants to be "tighter" which i see where hes coming from...i just want to play...fuck it.......i need to get on stage.......
we recorded some shitty tracks that are all fucked up ...i need to try and upload them again..
puta computer.........
i cant wait for school........(which is rarely ever a thought in my head)
i miss my friend......i fucked it up know how? always trying to fuck her........i hate labido horny shit fuck cock cunt!!!!!! i want to cut off my problem is that i drink to much......then i just turn into a typical man....
ive been talking to this one girl up here...and she is cool as shit...and i should just be friends with her.....but nope........
and im a bitch too...
i like cuddling and holding....of course like everyone...i cant do it the whole time.....but i love that...
things i dont like(that dont matter)....
morning breath
eye junk
and that would probably be it....
wow that was a cheap list....
i know i might(great choice of words) fuck up her head.......which she is already a little crazy...but i like that....
i seem to be attracted to crazy crazy it works out.......
relationships down!
self maintenance up!
be good my selfless selfish bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to take a knap or play organ or something ...maybe smoke or fish around this site more......
ps. watch that dakota fanning and japanese kid interview on you tube or find it here in the celebrity group...
and a fuck yes and i am happy........
owen pallett....or final fantasty.....
he toured with arcade fire a while back...(thats how i heard of him)
he is amazing...and his new album is the shit....
it is a lot more orcheastrated(spelling).....
i think he use to share his penis with patrick wolf if you know who that is....
they both are violens....
nancy boys..
i hope trev didnt make that up............
a coupld weeks later..or is it a week?
i am going to a a theatre to see this man:
thisisit will be attending....yet i hear on a seperate date......raises eyebrow...
so i am super happy...
and a day after i see steven or i like to call him...
okkervil riviero is playing music time music time...
i was lined up to play a show with they mean us with cajah, thisisit, yet...jesse wants to be "tighter" which i see where hes coming from...i just want to play...fuck it.......i need to get on stage.......
we recorded some shitty tracks that are all fucked up ...i need to try and upload them again..
puta computer.........
i cant wait for school........(which is rarely ever a thought in my head)
i miss my friend......i fucked it up know how? always trying to fuck her........i hate labido horny shit fuck cock cunt!!!!!! i want to cut off my problem is that i drink to much......then i just turn into a typical man....
ive been talking to this one girl up here...and she is cool as shit...and i should just be friends with her.....but nope........
and im a bitch too...
i like cuddling and holding....of course like everyone...i cant do it the whole time.....but i love that...
things i dont like(that dont matter)....
morning breath
eye junk
and that would probably be it....
wow that was a cheap list....
i know i might(great choice of words) fuck up her head.......which she is already a little crazy...but i like that....
i seem to be attracted to crazy crazy it works out.......
relationships down!
self maintenance up!
be good my selfless selfish bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to take a knap or play organ or something ...maybe smoke or fish around this site more......
ps. watch that dakota fanning and japanese kid interview on you tube or find it here in the celebrity group...
but it makes you so unic
keep goin like that
london is very nice but huge
i haven t finished to visit it
you are a musician that is so great
i am a singer and singin makes me feel so powerful/ so well!!
i love it
hope youre alright pal
i am feelin quite well not too homesick yet
but the bitchy amelie poulain we all know it , belongs to france