This latest piece, 3x5 so far, I started to show someone how I felt, but she won't look.

extremely bad photo(to lazy to rescan)

11x14, took 250 hours, I hide a big word across the whole top.

First drawing I did after I snapped my knuckle clean off my hand bone. This tends to happen when your favorite hockey team loses game 7 of the cup.

experiment with a color other than blue. Right side got cutoff.

This was an 8x11 I tweaked with photoshop and printed full size posters. It took 2 weeks completely done with help from the fungus amungus as a tribute to the late Audie from AcidBath.

Original, minus detail lost to technology.

People think backwards, always pushing the exceedingly preposterous boundaries of the unknown. Always tearing down the reality they have surrounded themselves with only to put it back together in a more obvious, but less practical order. Inevitably, only the most fundamental realities shall retain their sense of mystery and always present innocence.
These increasingly out numbered realities seem more fragile, the stronger the urge to redefine ones surroundings becomes. This forces the mind to isolate them into something more commonly known as the subconscious mind. This protects the most profound truths from being redefined, but also keeps these truths from being understood as a conscious ground for enlightenment. The modern subconscious mind is suffering from atrophy and must be exercised in order to present an alternative to the existing ideals and beliefs that stem from infinitely spiraling false premises.
The drive behind much of my work is to manipulate the viewer into unlocking his or her own subconscious objectivity. Presented with a sea of levels and possibilities, each less obvious than the last, these pieces force the mind's eye to first blink and then focus. In other words, the flow of shapes and contrast between positive and negative are just that, flow and contrast, until the mind is awakened to fill in the blanks. When light is shed upon the darkest stretches of our imagination, a fleeting sense of focus and enlightenment is revealed to the individual and subsequently to the artwork. This experience will hopefully instill a sense of confidence and longing for ones self to bring that focus to light while seeking his or her own path to enlightenment.
While I don't believe in profiting off what I am passionate about, I do have prints (free) to share. It's not an ego thing, something inside my soul awakens and smiles at the idea of someone losing themselves, as I often do, in my tortured purpose in life.
i am the inevitably 'cute' girl. but its not so bad, i guess? i could be the inevitably gross girl, or the inevitable dumb bitch. yeah, not so bad.
well, my little town (technically its a 'village') is home to just over 300 people. hows about yours?
nice work by the way