Monday Jan 03, 2005 Jan 3, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email So i think I am the most forgetful person ever I have lost my keys again and its to cold to ride the motorcycle boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Damn it keys where the fuck are you? VIEW 20 of 20 COMMENTS khalista: Hey... I second Cherri_Kuda's idea... You should be a SuicideBoy! Find your keys yet? Jan 6, 2005 dreamstar: OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE BACK! I missed you sweetpea my entire naked body missed you My entire naked sweaty convulsing heaving body missed you Jan 7, 2005
Find your keys yet?
I missed you sweetpea
my entire naked body missed you
My entire naked sweaty convulsing heaving body missed you