OK I am going to complain if you don't want to hear it don't read it! So, here is thing what has president bush done so great in four years to get him relected? If you are a bush fan let me know because all I see is a bad economy still! We are in 2 wars one to find Bin Laden who is still on the loose; what happened there? Then we are in Iraq so we can get oil. I am not sure that America has done any changing in 4 years for the better; we may have stayed at an even-keil. Now also I am not sure if Kerry would have done any better he is kinda wishy-washy can't make up his mind and he always was saying I will do this better than Bush. I think Kerry lose because he didn't give any real answers. To tell you the truth its time to have a real THIRD PARTY instead of all this Republican and Democratic bullshit. Where is the real independent party that supports a better america?
By the way BUSH sucks, and it also gets in your teeth
By the way BUSH sucks, and it also gets in your teeth
damn, if i don't always get distracted when i come to leave you comments...