So I have something on my mind thats bothering me. So today I went over to my dad's house for my step-sisters graduation. She is 18 a good kid reminds me of me. Her sister my other step-sister shows up who is 20 who has been in and out of hospitals for bilemia and annorexia. She has been in out for nearly a year and half. She shows up today and can't weigh more than 75 pounds and I'm not really sure how she is alive her thighs are no bigger than my arms and I have pea shooters for arms. 1st I don't understand how a place like that lets someone go home when they look like that. 2nd I don't understand the disease its self. She has stole around $9,000 dollars of stuff of my dads and sold on ebay. How do you let yourself be that sick? Doesn't she notice the looks she gets and there not good looks there looks of disgust. I actually left my dads today because i felt sick just looking at her it was seriously like a balloon head on top of sticks. Let me know if you can give me any advice?
More Blogs
Monday May 22, 2006
What a great day! I have to week off before I transfer to my new loc… -
Saturday May 20, 2006
Another amazing day and again i'm sick -
Friday May 19, 2006
One of the nicest days of the year here! I have a cold. -
Sunday May 14, 2006
Hello everyone! I'm back! -
Sunday Jul 10, 2005
Fuck sorry about being so slow but no internet tell my roommates move… -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
What up everyone I don't have internet until i have some roommates mo… -
Monday May 09, 2005
yeah i got my dogs back but it costed me 270 dollars PRICKS -
Sunday May 08, 2005
Fucking neighbors lost my dogs for me now there at the pound. ASSHOL… -
Monday May 02, 2005
New thought YEPPIE for the new family guy on last night! -
Monday May 02, 2005
My frustration keeps going as the exuasting search for a house contin…