So what have you all been doing this summer? Hopefully It's been good for ya.
Mine has thus far been slightly different that the usuall lazing about.
First of all I decided to go to Iceland to go look at some whales. Never seen one, so I thought
I'd give it a go. Unfortunatly, i got so drunk on the local brew, that i over slept and missed the boat, and
asit was my last day, didn't get another chance.
Anyway, when i got back from not seeing any whales, i got a call asking if i would like to go work in Poland
for 5 weeks. All expenses paid, and a large salary to boot. Well fuck I thought, why not. When do I leave?
Tomorrow was the reply. Why not. Wasn't doing anything else anyway.
So off i went. Poland is an amazing place. If you ever get the chance to go, I would urge you to try it.
Just don't work there. Especially in a Polish shipyard. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week of pure hell.
But as i said, poland it's self is great, what little i saw of it. Realy cheep. People are friendly and the beer
strong and tasty, and the girls, well, some of the most beautyfull I have ever seen. I even managed to get to a punk show. The only thing that pissed me off about that, was that polish punks still in this day and age, spit on the band. Not cool.
But all in all a great experience and I'm glad I did it. plus I made enough money to bum about for the rest of the summer. Oh, and I still have the Wasted festival to look forward to next week. 4 days of punk rock madness.
Mine has thus far been slightly different that the usuall lazing about.
First of all I decided to go to Iceland to go look at some whales. Never seen one, so I thought
I'd give it a go. Unfortunatly, i got so drunk on the local brew, that i over slept and missed the boat, and
asit was my last day, didn't get another chance.
Anyway, when i got back from not seeing any whales, i got a call asking if i would like to go work in Poland
for 5 weeks. All expenses paid, and a large salary to boot. Well fuck I thought, why not. When do I leave?
Tomorrow was the reply. Why not. Wasn't doing anything else anyway.
So off i went. Poland is an amazing place. If you ever get the chance to go, I would urge you to try it.
Just don't work there. Especially in a Polish shipyard. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week of pure hell.
But as i said, poland it's self is great, what little i saw of it. Realy cheep. People are friendly and the beer
strong and tasty, and the girls, well, some of the most beautyfull I have ever seen. I even managed to get to a punk show. The only thing that pissed me off about that, was that polish punks still in this day and age, spit on the band. Not cool.
But all in all a great experience and I'm glad I did it. plus I made enough money to bum about for the rest of the summer. Oh, and I still have the Wasted festival to look forward to next week. 4 days of punk rock madness.
Dude, you are living the dream! Welcome to SGS, by the way!

Welcome to Sg Scotland. Enjoy the festy.