Probably best show this year, Probabl]y one of the best ever.
I have a friend that's also a fan, it was her birthday this week-end, so i had that idea of a fan poster. It was a lot of fun to make ! ^^
I hope the upcoming blu-ray will be packed with bonuses, i always loved bryan Fueller (and I'm glad he took...
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Probably best show this year, Probabl]y one of the best ever.
I have a friend that's also a fan, it was her birthday this week-end, so i had that idea of a fan poster. It was a lot of fun to make ! ^^
I hope the upcoming blu-ray will be packed with bonuses, i always loved bryan Fueller (and I'm glad he took...
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I've been hypnotically linked to these images and sounds for the past few months.
Take a dive and see for your...self.
Take a dive and see for your...self.
De rien, you're welcome
(Ohlala, le message en retard, j'ai tellement pas l'habitude de recevoir des messages ici ! ^^)

Et sinon, si le film t'intresse, voici la critique que j'ai pu en faire rcemment : http://www.dailymars.net/beyond-the-black-rainbow/
Enjoy !
Enjoy !
Simply beautiful.
If Super Mario Bros was an indie movie, it would be so AWESOME !
ur' welcome :]

Edit:: Apparently, my video made google suspend my account, even though it's far from being the first fan video for this movie. Weird. I'd really like to access my account again, even if this video is not to be reuploaded again.
After seeing the new trailer for "The girl with the dragon tattoo" from David Fincher (of which i've been a fan since Alien 3),...
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After seeing the new trailer for "The girl with the dragon tattoo" from David Fincher (of which i've been a fan since Alien 3),...
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thank you for such a nice comment to my new set "Digital Love" 

Well, I wouldn't have said it if i wasn't thinking it. That's the kind of perfection i try to achieve while drawing.
So thank YOU for being and for inspiring ! ^__^
So thank YOU for being and for inspiring ! ^__^
Moi aussi j'espre aller mieux trs vite mais c'est franchement pas gagn, en plus maintenant je suis dgoute de vivre dans un pays de ...

Hello, what a lovely comment you left. It's interesting that there are so many people who are just as confused about what road to take, yet don't just "give up" neither on themselves or others. I guess in all this mess and fight to make progress we all can give some positive words to each other - right?
So thanks for that!

Well, i just fell in love with Chris Corner's I AM X
so, when is your blog coming out?
Thanks for showing interest smile
I already have a blog on my profile, but i don't update it that much, so i guess a suicidegirls blog would be redundent.
But now you make me think about it !
I already have a blog on my profile, but i don't update it that much, so i guess a suicidegirls blog would be redundent.
But now you make me think about it !
J'attends impatiemment la saison deux !
Le soucis, c'est qu'ils ne sont pas beaucoup. J'espre que les audiences vont vite grimper, ce serait dommage que ce soit annul faute de spectateurs (comme souvent sur NBC).