Things are crazy over here...just got back from NYC (again) and came home to tornadoes and what felt like hurricane rains. A lot of people lost their power, but all is fine in the Quain Cave. Saw LCD Soundsystem on Monday for 1st of the 5 FINAL SHOWS....fucking killed it, with a 3 hour set, INSANE. Here's the opening track of the opening night.
You can see my little head bouncing the whole time. I was up front for it and danced my ass off.
Script Frenzy started...in April, there's this site Script Frenzy that has you write 100 pages of TV/Film script/screenplay. I did this last year and can't believe how far my script has come in just a year. So this year...do it again! Wish me luck!
What is everyone doing this weekend? Mine starts with a Mets game (season opener) tonight!!! Fuck yes!
Things are crazy over here...just got back from NYC (again) and came home to tornadoes and what felt like hurricane rains. A lot of people lost their power, but all is fine in the Quain Cave. Saw LCD Soundsystem on Monday for 1st of the 5 FINAL SHOWS....fucking killed it, with a 3 hour set, INSANE. Here's the opening track of the opening night.
You can see my little head bouncing the whole time. I was up front for it and danced my ass off.
Script Frenzy started...in April, there's this site Script Frenzy that has you write 100 pages of TV/Film script/screenplay. I did this last year and can't believe how far my script has come in just a year. So this year...do it again! Wish me luck!
What is everyone doing this weekend? Mine starts with a Mets game (season opener) tonight!!! Fuck yes!
i could never even imagine a tornado 'cause of where i'm at!
Promise Ring! Haha