Hello my dear fans (all three of you), I'm back!
You fared well in my absence, and your reward has come due.
My journeys led me afar, and I return, with great news.
Deus vult, the coming years will long be remembered,
as being much more, than the paper we've tendered.
We reclaim the Holy Land, and gain remission for all.
At least that's the plan, should the sticks rightly fall.
At the dawn of a new aeon, our grace restored,
How long will it last? Will our verses become lore?
Will our future be successful, in transcending the last?
Will our children hear our song, or will their ears it fly past?
Will they step through the door which we've opened so kindly?
Or will they read the lyrics and follow them blindly?
Fear not, dear humans, this familiar oscillation.
Transcribed in twelve keys, are the tales of generations.
We need not concern ourselves with fear of repetition,
because it's inevitable, like the hook, or your favorite position.
The river answers angrily to your thrashing and wailing,
but should you trust it's advice, then smooth you'll be sailing.
You will never predict accurately, the length of your stay,
so let's take a break from sanity,
on this,
the new day.
You fared well in my absence, and your reward has come due.
My journeys led me afar, and I return, with great news.
Deus vult, the coming years will long be remembered,
as being much more, than the paper we've tendered.
We reclaim the Holy Land, and gain remission for all.
At least that's the plan, should the sticks rightly fall.
At the dawn of a new aeon, our grace restored,
How long will it last? Will our verses become lore?
Will our future be successful, in transcending the last?
Will our children hear our song, or will their ears it fly past?
Will they step through the door which we've opened so kindly?
Or will they read the lyrics and follow them blindly?
Fear not, dear humans, this familiar oscillation.
Transcribed in twelve keys, are the tales of generations.
We need not concern ourselves with fear of repetition,
because it's inevitable, like the hook, or your favorite position.
The river answers angrily to your thrashing and wailing,
but should you trust it's advice, then smooth you'll be sailing.
You will never predict accurately, the length of your stay,
so let's take a break from sanity,
on this,
the new day.
This is a great first attempt, and I can't believe it is really a first attempt. I like the musical/crusades themes. I want to know who it is who is saying this though, and in what time period. Who, what, where, why, how?
Great work though.